Guide to Economic thinking 1. People choose. 2. People’s choices involve costs. 3. People respond to incentives in predictable ways. 4. People create economic systems that influence individual choices and incentives. 5. People gain when they trade voluntarily. 6. People’s choices have consequences that lie in the future.
Why are grown men and women paid salaries totaling millions of dollars to play games? Your task is to propose an answer to the above question using economic principles. All groups are receiving the same information. All of the information that you are receiving is true; however, it is not all equally relevant. Lay your cards out in a pyramid with the least relevant information on the bottom and the most important information at the top of the pyramid. See the diagram on the side board.
Be prepared to present: An answer to the question. Why are grown men and women paid salaries totaling millions of dollars to play games? Explained what you included to be the most important reasons and what economic principles led you to that decision.