Religion Activity Chapter 5. Christianity Begins Eastern Orthodox Roman Catholic Protestant Reformation Roman Catholic Christian Science Adventist Latter-day.


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Presentation transcript:

Religion Activity Chapter 5

Christianity Begins Eastern Orthodox Roman Catholic Protestant Reformation Roman Catholic Christian Science Adventist Latter-day Saints Anabaptist Mennonite Lutheran Calvinist Anglican Church of England Reformed Presbyterian Church of Christ Church (disciples of Christ) Baptist Church of God Pentecostal Assembly Methodist United Church of Christ Episcopal Christian

Your Religion origins Sin and Salvation Ultimate authority Rituals and worship Community Life

OriginsBeliefsAuthority Rituals Community Calvinism Lutheranism Anglicanism(Chu rch of England) Anabaptists Catholicism

Origins\ Founder Calvinism Lutheranism Anglicanism (Church of Eng) Anabaptist Reform Catholic John Calvin, 1530 Martin Luther, 1512 King Henry VII, 1534 (wanted a divorce) Zwingli Switzerland, 1525 Pope Paul III, 1534

Beliefs about sin and salvation Calvinism Lutheranism Anglicanism (Church of Eng) Anabaptist Reform Catholic Predestination Justification by faith Original sin, Justification by faith World is sin; Stay out of the world Original Sin, Faith and good works

Ultimate source of Authority Calvinism Lutheranism Anglicanism (Church of Eng) Anabaptist Reform Catholic Priests, laws, Bible Bible King of England, Bible Adults, New Testament Pope, Bible

Rituals and Worship Calvinism Lutheranism Anglicanism (Church of Eng) Anabaptist Reform Catholic 5 services a week, 2 sacraments (baptism, communion) Old Catholic rituals & new, 2 sacraments High and Low services No church, 2 sacraments Ritualistic, 7 sacraments

Community Life Calvinism Lutheranism Anglicanism (Church of Eng) Anabaptist Reform Catholic Strict society of laws Discipline and family Obey English law, High and low communities Simple isolated lives Importance on good works; priests and nuns educating people