Trinity University Student Branch Proposal August 16th, 2008
Trinity University Officers: President: Jonathan Simpkins Vice-President: Timothy Nunamaker Treasurer: Luis Araiza Secretary: Wesley Straw Faculty Advisor: Dr. Farzan Aminian
Description of the Proposal Requested Amount: $ Breakdown of expenses: 11 IEEE Pizza Talks ($1100) 4 IEEE Student Awards ($200) Financial Help with Student Membership Fee ($120) Financial Help to Attend Student Conferences or hold a robotics competition at Trinity ($80)
How the Funding Supports Student Branch Programs Pizza talks promote better student education 1) Keeping students aware of the latest engineering innovations through outside speakers 2) Keeping students informed of summer and permanent jobs and graduate school opportunities. 2) Keeping students aware of faculty research and how they can participate 3) Providing a venue for students to present their research 4) Keeping students aware of latest additions to hardware, software and lab equipment 5) Providing an opportunity for students and faculty to socialize and get together IEEE student awards provide a healthy competitive environment for students Subsidizing student membership fee allows more students to join thus promoting IEEE
Last Year Budget and Expenditure 11 Pizza Talks ($1100) Robotics competition at Trinity ($220) Financial help with Student Membership Fee ($150) NI USB-6211 Bus Powered M-Series Multifunction DAQ Device ($700) Total Expenses: $2170