Всероссийский фестиваль педагогического творчества (2015/2016 учебный год) Номинация: Педагогические идеи и технологии: среднее образование Название работы: Традиции и праздники Великобритании. (страноведение 8 класс) Автор: Юркова Татьяна Сергеевна, учитель английского языка Место выполнения работы: МАОУ гимназия №24 им.М.В. Октябрьской г.Томска
Традиции и праздники США. День Благодарения и Рождество. Учитель: ЮрковаТ.С., учитель английского языка
Holidays and Traditions A people without the knowledge of their past history, traditions and culture is like a tree without roots. Marcus Garvey
Tradition is…….. 1) …..a way of thinking, behaving, or doing something that has been used by the people in a particular group, family, society, etc., for a long time. 2)….. The passing down of elements of a culture from generation to generation, especially by oral communication 3)……. A part of culture that is passed from person to person, possibly differing in detail from family to family, such as the way to celebrate holidays.
◦ 1) If I were Santa Clause, I…. ◦ 2) If I could get any present I wish, I……...
Shopping 1. Department store 2.Shopping center 3.Shopping outlet 4.Supermarket 5.Corner shop ◦ A) It’s a large shop. You walk round it and take items off the shelves and pay for them before you leave it. ◦ B) A small shop sells mainly food and household goods. ◦ C) A shop which sells the goods made by a particular manufacturer. ◦ D) A large shop which is divided into a lot of different sections and which sells many different kinds of goods. ◦ E) An area in a town where a lot of shops have been built close together.
Guy Fox Day 1.When is it celebrated? 2.What is the celebration like? 3.What are the symbols of this holiday? 4. Why is it a noisy holiday?
Christmas Day 1.When is it celebrated? 2.What is the traditional food? 3. Where do people keep there presents? 4. What can you find insight the cracker?
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