Unique assets … of Glentrool: 1.Surrounded by forest 2.Local tourist attractions 3.Amazing local scenery and outdoor activities 4.Only village in the Dark Sky park
Structure and summary 1.Motivation 2.Our vision 3.Implementation details 4.Phase 2 5.Phase 1 6.Planning and next steps
Motivation … to pursue the Vision: Ensure the school building does not become run down Provide a community hall and facilities Utilise the remaining space to offset the costs of the building Benefits local economy, generating jobs and helping local businesses To compliment and enhance the local area, i.e. tourism and countryside Major regeneration opportunity for the community
Vision A tourist attraction and educational resource called ‘The Forest Life Centre’. This will be an interactive journey representing a year in the life of the forest starting with spring and ending with winter and then moving on to Dark Sky area and the planetarium. A complimentary community space called ‘The Clearing’ which, while serving as a meeting hall and function room, will also be designed to compliment and augment the Forest Life Centre.
Features 1.Forest Life Centre – backing from Forestry Commission and Tourist Board and possibly RSPB 2.Dark Sky Centre with planetarium and observation area – backing from astronomical society 3.Internet facility for locals and tourists 4.Community hall/function room called the clearing 5.Shop (local crafts, tourist or Forest Life Centre related) 6.Coffee shop
Other possibilities discussed 1.Used as base for outdoor sports and activities 2.Drop in facilities: small changing room, shower and locker room 3.Health hub 4.Possible bike hire/repair 5.Education, skills and training classes
Phase 2 Lift to proposed first floor WC Entrance
Second phase 1.Construction of main Forest life centre extension 2.Install observatory, viewing deck and shelter, to roof 3.New fully controlled heating, micro energy, wood chip 4.Dark Sky area with state of the art multimedia 5.Forest life centre with interactive multimedia content 6.Building infrastructure upgraded for energy efficiency 7.Upgrade The Clearing to feel like a forest clearing 8.Parking facilities and access including disabled accessibility 9.Web site and promotional material 10.Retail outlet developed
Phase 1 changes New wall with double doors Possibly to be removed Wall to be removed
Phase 1 Initial work to make immediate use of the building with minimal costs and get us working with our partners. 1.Upgrade street lighting for Dark Sky 2.Create The Clearing 3.Alter toilets for adult use 4.Provide adequate zoned heating 5.Set up Internet Cafe 6.Furnishings equipment 7.Set up Dark Sky room
Uses for The Clearing 1.Woman's rural 2.Fund raising events 3.Herds Ball (Previously held in the Bargrennan Hall) 4.Carpet bowling 5.Performances 6.Tamborelli 7.Forestry commission meetings and seminars 8.Local history group
Planning and management It is too early for any detailed planning but we would like to show an awareness of the financial and management issues we would face. Sources of initial funding. We hope to have the proceeds of the Bargrennan hall sale, but need to work with partners to get additional funding for set up costs. Revenue streams from fees and the shop must meet long term running costs of the building and staff.
Summary In the proposal we envisage making good use of the building and not letting it become a run down eyesore that brings the area down. The local community needs a general meeting hall available to any groups who wish to book it. The cost of this could be offset by developing a tourist attraction which compliments the areas current attractions. Associated organisations such as the Forestry Commission, Astronomical Society, RSPB and Tourist Board who are active in the area should all benefit from the provision of a first class educational facility promoting their interests. The local economy should be stimulated by the increased tourism with creation of jobs and benefits to local businesses whilst keeping a low carbon footprint and providing facilities to the community.