0 Comprehensive Traffic Managenent I2 Pilot Programme
1 I2 – Intelligent Infrastructure Pilot programme MOBILE – Agenda Framework conditions Why pilot programme Advantage of pilot projects Pilot programme MOBILE Future programmes
2 National Framework Research programme of the Federal Ministry of Transport, Innovation and Technology (bmvit): IV2S – Intelligent traffic systems and services To initiate temporary impulses in strategically items: A3 – Austrian Advanced Automotive ISB – Innovative Systems Railway I2 – Intelligent Infrastructure
3 R&D platformPilot projects 1. Call 2002/ Call 2003/2004 Pilot project "Innovative Inland Navigation“ 2004/ Call 2005/2006 Pilot project “MOBILE“ 2006/2008
4 Why pilot programmes/projects? Strategic innovation support (IV2S) has shown: Increasing willingness to invest into R&D A great many creative projects Remarkable high quality level of proposals, high number of attendees and involved companies BUT……to implement the research results into daily traffic business does not work in a satisfied way!
5 Reasons for Pilot Projects –Compexity of the theme / topic –Needed collaboration of relevant stakeholders –Readiness to assume risk –Too less `best practice´ in the relevant research field –Too short test stages within the R&D projects –Missing `proof of concept´ and `proof of technology´ Comprehensive solution: PILOT PROJECTS
6 International References EUIP‘s Integrated Projects (FP6) Field Operational Trials (FP7) GermanyPilot Projects for Public Transport (Leitprojekte ÖV) USAField Operational Tests (FOT) SwedenISA The Netherland Public Transport
7 Advantage of Pilot Projects –Integration of all relevant stakeholders, creating a critical mass and enough time for test phases –Consideration of the technical, operational and regulatory framework conditions –Evaluation of the results and on behalf their assignability
Pilot programme MOBILE – Comprehensive Traffic Management
9 MOBILE - Basic Data Volume of advancement: ~2 Mio. € AustriaTech: conception, pilot project management Start and duration: 09/2006, 24 months Project type: Co-operative R&D projects (duration month)
10 MOBILE – Objectives Coordination of telematics applications focused on road and rail (private and public transport) Integrated deployment of traffic information and traffic control Ensuring utmost use of existing capacity of infrastructure, adapted to the current traffic situation Harmonized interaction between the players Increasing benefit for all participants, economically, ecologically and socially acceptable traffic management
Pilot programme Content and results
12 MOBILE includes 4 Projects TRANSFER I2-ÖPNV VIP Vienna Region GAVe
13 TRANSFER Creates services for intermodal travel information system with real- time information and a combined parking and public transport ticketsystem LocatedGraz/Styria PartnerFGM, public transport associations in Styria, the City of Graz and local booking management companies Results environment-friendly as possible mobility by easy and attractive interchange facilities from individual to public transport road user will be encouraged to economically and ecologically mobility behaviour
14 I2-ÖPNV Develops solutions which support the modal shift from individual traffic to public transport by using cross modal telematics applications in the field of booking and information services, including P&R LocatedVienna and parts of Lower Austria (Airport of Vienna) PartnerInfrastructure operators rail, road and airport; information and communication service provider, the Austria broadcasting agency and local authorities Results realized the travellers needs booking activities, choices of transport modes and parking space reservations will be available in an easy and uncomplicated way by using internet, mobile internet, SMS, , UMTS radio services etc.
15 VIP Vienna Region Developes an intermodal „Overall graph“ and focuses on “linking traffic control centres for creating an intermodal transport system” Locatedin greater Vienna Partner regional government of Vienna, Lower Austria and Burgenland and important infrastructure operators and technology provider Results Free traffic information; dynamic and intermodal routing for all modes of traffic till 2010 Traffic management by infrastructure providers based on common traffic data pool Enhance road safety by dynamic information/regulation Intelligent solutions for public transport in rural areas Comprehensive data for traffic policy and planning
16 GAVe Developes a control system for traffic light focused on “adaptive impact on the current traffic situation” LocatedGraz/Styria PartnerTechnical University Graz and a technology business company, TRANSFER and GAVe are cooperating to use current synergetic effects ResultsDecreasing emissions and particulate matters, which are a grave problem in the City of Graz and the whole region
17 Gainded conveniences –Enhanced customer acceptance –Dynamic information –improves the user comfort –decrease the respirable dust/particulate matter caused by traffic –Reliable traffic prognoses –common reference network
New Pilot Programme I2v – Intermodality and Interoperability of transport systems
19 A new Austrian strategy programme for promoting research and development in the area of mobility and transport technologies (2007 – 2012) Pilot Programme
20 I2v New Pilot Programme - EFM Electronic and interoperable Fare Management National Call Volume of advancement: ~2 Mio. € AustriaTech: supporting the consortia regarding the content and project management Deadline for proposal: 10/2008 Project type: Co-operative R&D projects (duration 24 month)
22 Dipl.-Ing. Julia E. Düh AustriaTech Donau-City Strasse 1 A-1220 Vienna