Chapter 4 Population Biology
4.1 Population Dynamics Exponential Growth = J-shaped curve As a population gets larger, it grows at a faster rate Rapid growth more babies = more babies
4.1 Population Dynamics Say that it takes 20 minutes for a bacterium to replicate. So after 20mins the one cell has become 2, and after another 20 minutes those two have both replicated to 4 and so on. Within...Population of... an hour8 2 hours64 4 hours hours hours And within a day there will be 4.72 x ( or 472 million million million) bacteria cells. And assuming the mass of each bacterium is 1 picogram, by the end of 2 days the bacteria would be over 3 times the mass of the earth
4.1 Population Dynamics Limits to growth- Eventually limiting factors will take effect availability of nutrients, the number of predators, and the accumulation of waste materials Population stabilizes in an S-shaped curve
4.1 Population Dynamics Carrying Capacity - # of one type of organism that an area can support If you overshoot the CC then LF take effect. Deaths > Births to make population fall below CC
4.1 Population Dynamics Rapid L-HP: increases and decreases rapidly Unpredictable enviro. Small body size Mature rapidly Reproduce early Short life span Ex. Mosquito, bacteria Slow L-HP: maintains at or near carrying capacity Stable environments Large species Longer maturation Reproduce later Long life span Humans, elephants, whales Life-History Pattern
4.1 Population Dynamics
Limits on Population Growth Density – Dependent Disease/parasites Competition Predators Food/water Density – Independent Weather/climate Natural disasters Chemical pesticides
4.1 Population Dynamics Crowding and Stress can be LF…causes Aggression Decreased fertility Decrease in parental care Decrease resistance to disease