07/03/2016 Teaching of Jesus Mission Charge 2
Matthew combines material from two places in Mark The Twelve are already known to Matthew’s readers The names of the twelve are uncertain The Twelve form the nucleus of the renewed Israel They carry on the mission of Jesus 07/03/2016 Teaching of Jesus Mission Charge 3
Healing (10:1) Preaching (10:7) Jesus formed a missional community Cells in various villages They lived out the kingdom mission ▪ Life is mission if it is kingdom life ▪ This mission has a limited radius The 12/ 70 establish new cells 07/03/2016 Teaching of Jesus Mission Charge 4
The mission in Matthew is exclusively a Jewish mission (10:5-6) The parallel with the mission of Jesus appears when this two-part structure (10:7-8) is compared with 28:20 The mission proceeds on trust/grace 07/03/2016 Teaching of Jesus Mission Charge 5
All calls to mission include calls to endurance of persecution. Somehow the modern church expects to be effective and yet still respected by the world 07/03/2016 Teaching of Jesus Mission Charge 6
They will be treated like Jesus (10:24-25) They are to live in the fear of God (10:26-31) All secrets will be revealed The world can only kill you God is aware of you death and values you Confession on earth is the critical thing (10:32-33) Jesus will divide people (10:34-39) 07/03/2016 Teaching of Jesus Mission Charge 7
God not only does not forget the missionary, he also does not forget the person receiving the missionary. The least kindness done to a missionary will be rewarded by God. 07/03/2016 Teaching of Jesus Mission Charge 8
Luke puts most of his mission charge to the 70 Luke adds that the mission was done in pairs Luke stresses the urgency of the mission Luke allows gentile contact Luke underlines the connection of healing to word Luke records the results of the mission 07/03/2016 Teaching of Jesus Mission Charge 9