Are all cells the same? NO!!! We have over 200 different types of cells.
What makes each cell type different?
Some Heredity Where in the cell is the DNA? Do all of your cells have the same DNA?
What is a tissue?
OBJECTIVE ONE Describe the characteristics of the four basic types of tissue that make up the human body and differentiate between them. OBJECTIVE TWO Recognize and identify tissue types and structures associated with each.
What are the 4 general tissue types? Epithelium Connective Muscular Nervous
–Epithelial tissue Covers body surfaces/ lines body cavities, hollow organs, and ducts/ forms glands –Connective tissue Protects and supports the body and its organs Binds organs together Stores energy as fat Provides immunity
–Muscle tissue Generates force needed to make body structures move –Nervous tissue Initiates and transmits nerve impulses that coordinate body activities
Let’s look at details of each type.
EPITHELIAL TISSUE Epithelial tissue is divided into 2 groups They are –Covering and lining epithelium –Glandular epithelium Secreting portion of glands Example: sweat glands
SOME IMPORTANT VOCABULARY FOR EPITHELIAL TISSUE Plasma membrane Nucleus Cytoplasm Golgi Apparatus Cilia Lumen Free Surface Basement Membrane Extra-cellular material Tight Junction Avascular Mitosis
Tight Junction Are the closely associated areas of two cells whose membranes join together forming a virtual impermeable barrier to fluid. 0junctions.pps#321,1,Slide 1
GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS The cells making up the tissue are closely packed with very little extra-cellular material between them. The cells are arranged in continuous sheets of single or multiple layers. Epithelial cells have a free (superficial) surface and a basal surface attached to the basement membrane.
–Basement membrane is extra-cellular material and is composed mainly of fibers. –It connects the epithelium to the underlying connective tissue. Epithelium is avascular (no blood vessels) How does epithelium get oxygen and nutrients if it has no blood supply?
The cells have a nerve supply. These cells get a lot of wear and tear and so have a high level of renewal (mitosis) What problems are associated with this high mitosis level?
Lots of chances for mutations … High chance for cancer
Functions of epithelial tissue include 1.Protection 2.Secretion 3.Absorption 4.Sensory reception