Dual Credit Helpful Parent Information
Students have the opportunity to earn BOTH college credit + high school credit simultaneously. HIGH SCHOOL COLLEGE
NCTC Dual Credit North Central Texas College has been committed to providing college opportunities for high school students for more than 30 years. Currently NCTC has Partnership Agreements with 43 high schools, serving more than 1700 dual credit students within its service area.
Experience college while still in high school Classes are held at the High School at NCTC or online Financial savings – low tuition rates Increase college success and completion Head start on college core curriculum Potential to graduate with thirty or morecollege credits Credits transfers to all public college/universities in Texas
WHAT IS EXPECTED OF DUAL CREDIT STUDENTS Students should remember that a dual credit course is a college course in all respects. Dual Credit students are expected to attend class. College courses sometimes deal with controversial issues or subject matter that high school courses may not address. This can provide new challenges for the dual credit student. All college students should expect to invest at least twice as much time out-of-class as in-class in reading, studying, and preparing for college course assignments. Students should pay careful attention to their instructor's SYLLABUS and system for assigning grades.
PARENTS How To Help Your Dual Credit Student Allow them to take ownership for success and responsibility for failures. Success in college will depend on their self-motivation, discipline, organizational skills, study habits, and time management. Remind them that one hour spent in a college class requires two hours outside class reading, studying, and completing assignments. Support and encourage students to self advocate Encourage them to establish open communication with their instructors. If they are experiencing challenges in a course, they will need to communicate this to their instructor. Do not contact instructors on their behalf
Debbie Endres Gainesville, Bowie and Graham Campuses Diane Mannion Corinth Campus Susan Cooper Flower Mound Campus
pay tuition see schedule and room locations print unofficial transcript request official transcript set up student NCTC * High school firewalls often prevent this-- might need to do from home or on cell phone. Critical !!
Policies and Procedures YOU and the STUDENT Need to be Aware of---
ABSENT IS ABSENT REGARDLESS College Instructors ARE NOT required to: give make up work accept late work give extra credit ALL Instructors follow the NCTC calendar and it does not always match the high school calendar. No Excused or Unexcused Absences may reduce student’s grade in college.
cheating, collusion, or plagiarism NCTC Instructors may give a student or students involved an “F” on a particular assignment OR for the course. Serious Business
COMMUNICATION & FERPA FAMILY EDUCATIONAL RIGHTS AND PRIVACY ACT, Instructors Department Chairs Additional college personnel Student MUST communicate with instructor— no parent conferences. Students, “own” their educational record from first semester enrolled regardless of age (including dual credit). WILL NOT communicate with parents or counselors due to FERPA guidelines, federal law prohibiting. Registration form allows midterm and final grades to be sent to the high school
Due to certain degrees needing specific options by Universities
NCTC’S D.C. REQUIREMENTS TO COURSEWORK-- Minimum high school (GPA) of “C” (2.0 on 4.0 scale) (High School may require 3.0) (Some high schools require students to have a higher GPA – PPHS requires a B) Mature to mentally and academically handle college work and content. Please turn in the GRIT SCALE after going over it carefully with your student.
OFFICE FOR STUDENTS WITH DISABILITIES (OSD) Sign language interpreting note-taking audio taping large print materials readers scribes *Contact the OSD for additional info. Phone Numbers are located on the NCTC website under Student Services Sign language interpreting note-taking audio taping large print materials readers scribes *Contact the OSD for additional info. Phone Numbers are located on the NCTC website under Student Services High School Accommodations DO NOT apply at college. Students will have to call and schedule an appointment with OSD to establish accommodations several weeks BEFORE a semester begins.
ADMISSIONS PROCEDURE 1. Application— 10 business days to process--Nothing until then 2.Complete College 101 at least 24 hrs. prior to testing and allow 24 hrs to process Next Turn In: -Qualifying test scores – If no qualifying test scores set up an appointment to take the TSI. -High School transcript -Shot Record—proof Meningitis vaccination current See PPHS Counselor Webpage under Dual Credit for requirements and timelines. to for reminders of deadlines and other important information. HOMESCHOOL students submit NOTARIZED transcript. STRICT DEADLINES WILL APPLY FOR ALL STUDENTS
TSI ASSESSMENT COST NCTC Testing— Take printed receipt to campus + photo ID $25 for all three sections or $10 for one section MUST go through NCTC website and prepay in Quickpay PRINT receipt NO TSI RECEIPT = NO TESTING !!!!! TSI Sample Questions /pdf/accuplacer/ accuplacer-texas-success- initiative-assessment-sample-questions.pdf The TSI Study App (Available for download for $4.50) egory=540&categoryName=Accuplacer&epch=P R&ep_mid= &ep_rid= TSI Sample Questions Available on other sites by googling TSI Assessment
If none of these you are required to take TSI
Payment is due at the time of registration. Instructions and phone numbers can be located on main website, under Dual Credit bar, and How Do I tab. Methods of Pay or Payment Plan : Online at myNCTC----- (Payment plan must be set up online and with a one time fee of $30) By phone In person * Failure to pay dropped from all classes. charged $50 fee to be reinstated for available courses which COULD BE A DIFFERENT SECTION SO CHECK NEW schedule! YOU need to contact coordinator to be reinstated. It IS NOT automatic. Homeschool students have SAME payment criteria
PURCHASE TEXTBOOKS Textbooks are available online and in the campus bookstores at: Corinth Gainesville Flower Mound Instructions and bookstore phone numbers are on tuition payment instruction sheet. Bookstore hours can be found on website or by calling bookstore directly. Before the 1 st day of classes To ensure students purchase correct books- it is necessary to have schedule with you when making purchase.
Components: ~Participation ~Honors Coursework 1 course per semester ~Community Service ~Research Presentations ~Leadership Ops Two Designations: GRADUATING WITH HONORS: -earned 12 hours or MORE of Honors credit -B or better in all Honors courses -maintained good standing with active participation HONORS PARTICIPANT: -earned LESS THAN 12 hours of Honors credit -B or better in all Honors courses -maintained good standing with active Transfers with you to a 4 Year University -Each semester -4.0 grade point average (GPA) while enrolled in 12 semester credit hours minimum. -Each Smester -3.5–3.99 grade point average (GPA)while enrolled in 12 or more hours. DEAN’S LIST -World's largest honor society for community college students. -Dedicated to academic excellence and leadership GPA to maintain membership throughout college. -Transfer $$ available automatically PRESIDENT’S LIST
WHERE DOES STUDENT GET INTO CANVAS? MAIN WEBPAGE Student will log on using their NCTC Username and Student ID #.
TUTORING SERVICES FREE tutoring services for all enrolled students on NCTC campuses. Math Lab – Free math tutoring (walk-in basis) Writing Center – Free writing tutoring (by appointment) Online Tutoring – 10 hours of Real-time tutoring you can access from anywhere through-- GradeResults.com
DROPS Before the Official Date of Record Approx. 2 weeks from beginning of classes Never appears on student’s official transcript Starts day after drop deadline until approx. 3-4 weeks prior to end of long semester (sooner for summer terms) College transcript will show a grade of “W” on student’s transcript. Withdrawal Student is responsible for high school schedule change to recover credit if necessary for graduation. Forms and Instructions for Both are located on main website, under Dual Credit bar and then Forms tab. Exact date each semester is located on NCTC Calendar on homepage
QUESTIONS Dual Credit Parent Information