By: Penland Mayson
Most of us know Alabama’s football team as the power house of the South, but do you know the history of Alabama and their Jerseys?
Do you know anything about Alabama Football? Or their Uniforms? Since 1892, Alabama has won 15 National Championships, 4 of them coming in the last 20 years (92,09,11,12) most notable wins would be the back to back in 11 and 12. Football isn't about how many points you can score or how many national champions you win, but your jerseys can speak for who you are. Over the last 2 centuries, Alabama has changed their jerseys a couple of times to many different things.
In 1892, The University of Alabama got their first football team and jerseys. Alabama went 2-2 this season and their most notable win was a 56-0 victory, the most disappointing lose was against their arch rival in the Iron Bowl (which is still present today) to Auburn Their jerseys are described “as being white with crimson stockings. Large crimson letters U. of A. on their sweaters. Also crimson sweaters with white A.”
The University of Alabama has had a few name changes over its very prestigious career. This isn’t the present day Alabama that we know as the Crimson tide, they were the Alabama Cadets. Year after year, the Cadets made changed to their uniforms for instance, in 1895, they added striped stockings, 1896, extra padding, 1897, more padding, and then in 1898 they didn’t have a team. Upon coming into the 1900’s, Alabama got crimson jerseys with stripes and solid color stockings.
The 1900’s was a good century for the Alabama Crimson Tide Football team, they won 11 national Champions in this century them being in 1925,26,30,34,41,64,65,73,78,79, and 92. over these years, there jerseys also changed too. Upon the 1930 season, Alabama because associated with an Elephant, and new they still are referred to as elephants as well. The story being that the 1930 team posted a perfect 10-0 record allowing only 13 points scored on them all season. A reporter at on of the games by the name of Everett Strupper of the Atlanta Journal wrote “At the end of the quarter, the earth started to tremble, there was a distant rumble that continued to grow. Some excited fan in the stands bellowed, 'Hold your horses, the elephants are coming,' and out stamped this Alabama varsity. Many other reporters started to refer to Alabama as “Red Elephants” the red being in front because of the Crimson color jerseys.
The 2000’s for Alabama has just been lights out, winning 3 national Championships in just 4 years, or being the most dominant team in College Football, or having a coach that every team would die to have. Besides all that, their jerseys are the most simplest jerseys in College Football today. The Crimson Tide wear Crimson color jerseys with a Crimson color helmet with just their number on it with white football pants. For away games, they wear a white jersey with crimson color for their letters, and the same helmet as they wear for away games. Also, they wear the same pants every game, white pants with a stripe a crimson down the side or where the hip is.
People have brought up the fact of why Alabama's Jerseys are so simple. It is all because of their coach, Nick Saban. Nick Saban who is described as a traditional man doesn’t believe in teams having multiple jerseys. “I don't think the coach should change uniforms," he said. "I don't think the coach should change the color of the helmets. I just don't believe that. Now that doesn't mean that's wrong when somebody does that or they think they should do it or whatever”
Here is a video describing why Nick Saban likes to keep his jerseys traditional KYM KYM
"Crimson Tide Uniforms Changing Through the Years." - ROLLTIDE.COM. N.p., n.d. Web. 31 Oct "Heritage Uniforms and Jerseys." University of Alabama Football Uniform and Team History. N.p., n.d. Web. 31 Oct "Nick Saban on "Traditional" Uniforms for Alabama Football." YouTube. YouTube, n.d. Web. 7 Nov "SHOP BAMA NOW." ROLLTIDE.COM. N.p., n.d. Web. 31 Oct "Uniform Changes at Alabama? Nick Saban Makes His Feelings Perfectly Clear." N.p., n.d. Web. 31 Oct
"Alabama's Football Uniforms Through the Years." Roll 'Bama Roll. N.p., n.d. Web. 31 Oct "Alabama Crimson Tide Scrimmage 2010 Scrimmage 2010." - Capstone Report. N.p., n.d. Web. 7 Nov "Alabama Collegiate Gifts." Alabama Collegiate Gifts. N.p., n.d. Web. 7 Nov "'Bama Bashes Notre Dame in BCS Title Game." College Football. N.p., n.d. Web. 7 Nov "NCAA Says Julio Jones and Mark Ingram Can Play as Long as They Pay." N.p., n.d. Web. 7 Nov "Nike Alabama Crimson Tide Stadium Gloves - Crimson." Official Online Store. N.p., n.d. Web. 7 Nov "Paul W.Bryant Museum." Paul W.Bryant Museum. N.p., n.d. Web. 31 Oct
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