DELTA (台達電)
About Delta Delta was founded in 1971 and has been the global leader in switching power supply solutions since 2002 and DC brushless fans since 2006.
Business Categories Power Electronics (電源及零組件) Energy Management (能源管理) Smart Green Life (智能綠生活)
TAIWAN International LIGHTING SHOW Exhibition Dates: March , 2015 Exhibition Dates: April , 2016 Venue: Taipei Nangang Exhibition Center, Hall 1 (台北南港展覽館 1 館)
Exhibit Category Home/Residential Lighting Commercial Lighting Intelligent Lighting Outdoor Lighting Lighting for Kitchen & Furniture Plant Factory & Lighting Automotive Lighting Special Lighting and so on.
展出項目 居家照明 商業照明 智慧照明 戶外照明 廚具傢俱照明 植物工廠與照明 車用照明 特殊照明