“The Scribe” Essential Question: How does the narrator’s point of view affect the way readers view other characters in a story?
Narrator The character or voice telling the story In fiction, the narrator is NOT the story’s author. What is a narrator?
First Person The narrator is a character in the story The narrator uses first-person pronouns like I, me, we, and us. Do not use the dialogue (conversations within quotation marks) to find point of view. Example: Here we go again. I felt like I was walking in my sleep as I followed Jerry back to the room where all the boys’ beds were jim- jammed together.(Bud, Not Buddy) What is first- person point of view?
Third Person The narrator is NOT a character in the story The narrator uses third-person pronouns like he, she, it, they, and them. Example: Stanley was not a bad kid. He was innocent of the crime for which he was convicted. He’s just been in the wrong place at the wrong time. (Holes ) What is third- person point of view?
Setting The time, place, and environment of a story time: year, time period, month, season place: specific location, city, state, country environment: weather, mood What is setting?
Conflict The problem that gets the story into motion What is conflict? Types of conflict External (outside): man vs. man (fight, disagreement…) man vs. nature (storm, surviving in the wilderness…) man vs. society (e.g., slavery, bullying…) Internal (inside): man vs. self (usually a decision the character needs to make)