Language of Composition Chapter 3 Analyzing Arguments From Claim to Thesis
From Claim to Thesis In order to go from a claim to thesis you must be specific: Yet one solution continues to elude us, and that is ending the ignorance about mental health, and moving it from the margins of care and into the mainstream where it belongs. As surely as any vaccine, ths would save lives. (94)
Three Types of Thesis Statement Open Closed Counterargument
Three Kinds of Thesis Statements: 1. Closed Formal essays that you write for school and/or under time-constraints use closed thesis. Previews Main argument Previews and limits the points the author will make. Focuses the essay
Closed Thesis Statement Example (implied because) A closed thesis uses or implies the word because. The three-dimensional characters, exciting plot, and complex themes of the Harry Potter series make them not only legendary children’s books but enduring literary classics. (95)
Closed Thesis Statement Example (using because) The Harry Potter series has become legendary children’s books and enduring literary classics because of its three-dimensional characters, exciting plot, and complex themes. (95)
Three Types of Thesis Statements: 2.Open Used for longer essays with five, six, or even more main points. Does not preview or list the points the author will cover. The popularity of the Harry Potter series demonstrates that simplicity trups complexity when it comes to the taste of readers, both young and old. (96) See bottom of page 95 through top of 96 to see some of the possible topics that could be covered by the open thesis statement
Three Types of Thesis Statements: 3.Counterargument Usually begins with the a summary of the counterargument. Usually begins with the word although or but. Although the Harry Potter series may have some literary merit, its popularity has less to do with storytelling than with merchandising. (96)