U9 / U11 / U12 BASA SOCCER BASA / FC Barrington
Schedule: Online at on the Parents and Coaches Sitewww.BASA.net 1st games April 7 th Spring season ends with Jamboree Tournament U9Saturday, June 2 nd every player receives a participation trophy U11Saturday & Sunday, June 9 th & 10 th winner & runner-up receives trophies U12Saturday & Sunday, June 9 th & 10 th winner & runner-up receives trophies U14 Saturday & Sunday, June 9 th & 10 th winner & runner-up receives trophies
ROSTER: Mailed to coaches Available online at on the Parents and Coaches Sitewww.BASA.net Please contact your players ASAP/ is available online on the coaches site If a player is NOT participating please let us know via If a parent approaches you about joining your team please have them call the BASA Office. If a player is practicing or playing in a game without being registered with us, THEY ARE NOT INSURED.
RULES: REFEREE: Only person who makes the calls Coach is responsible for the behavior of his or her players and parents BASA has a zero tolerance rule (in BASA Rules) If you would like to comment about the referees please us at Rules are online at under Recreational/BASA Rules
Extra Training: Team Trainings are for U7 through U11 teams (two trainings per team at Ron Beese Park with Staff Coach) We will be putting the grid online & coaches will be contacted to sign up. FC Barrington Professional Staff running the training sessions with help from our High School Players in our Travel Program
Field Maps: Online at under Recreational/Field Mapswww.BASA.net Offsite Field Locations: –VEHE Farm in Deer Park –BMS-Station Campus
Parents and Coaches Site –Schedule and Roster found here Field Maps Team Trainings are for U7 through U11 teams (two trainings per team at Ron Beese Park with Staff Coach) Rules Forms: Newspaper Report/Eye Glass Waiver/KIDSAFE Form Use If a player is NOT participating please let us know via If you would like to comment about the referees please us