Mathematics 2 Ms. Meek Symmetry
A figure is said to be symmetric if you can draw a line down the middle, and split the figure into two pieces that are the exact same shape and size, but opposite (reflections). Symmetric Figures
line of symmetry A line of symmetry is the line that divides a figure into two symmetrical parts. Line of Symmetry
Lines of Symmetry A figure can have more than one line of symmetry, meaning it could be split into two symmetrical pieces in more than one way. Lines of symmetry may be vertical, diagonal, or horizontal.
Find the Line of Symmetry
There is no line of symmetry. When a figure can be folded in half and both halves match, the figure is symmetrical. There is no line that you can draw that would divide this into two equal parts.
Lines of Symmetry Look at the figure below. Only half of it is drawn. You can use the line of symmetry as your guide to draw the other half. Start with a point on the line of symmetry and draw the same thing on the other side.
Lines of Symmetry Examples:
Lines of Symmetry Examples:
horizontalA line that runs across from side to side verticalA line runs up and down diagonalA slanted line from top corner on one side of the shape, to bottom corner on the other side
Conclusion A figure is symmetric if you can split the figure into two pieces that are the exact same shape, but opposite. A line of symmetry is the line that divides a figure into symmetrical parts. Lines of symmetry may be vertical, diagonal, or horizontal. A figure is not symmetrical if here is no line that you can draw that would divide it into two equal parts.