ISO TC46 / SC9 What is it? What does it do? So what? Brian Green
What is ISO TC 46/SC 9? ISO is the International Organization for Standardization. TC 46 is ISO's Technical Committee (TC) for information and documentation standards. SC 9 is the TC 46 Subcommittee (SC) that develops and maintains ISO standards on the identification and description of information resources.
Who is ISO TC 46/SC 9? 26 voting member bodies (national standards organizations) 18 observer members 19 organizations with liaison status (inc IDF) Working Groups to develop standards Registration Authorities to manage them Secretary: Jane Thacker of Library and Archives Canada Chairman: Brian Green of EDItEUR
Which standard identifiers? ISWC, ISMN, ISRC (Music) ISAN, V-ISAN (Film / audio-visual) ISBN, ISSN (Text) Coming soon ( at various stages): ISTC - Text Code DOI - (If you don’t know by now…) ISPI? - Party Identifier (personal and corporate name number)
Potentially a great club Work, expression and manifestation identifiers (most with core metadata sets) in various media TC46 SC9 has formal liasion status with other ISO committees (e.g. MPEG) but... …registration authorities and working groups are self contained - any overlap in membership coincidental Plenary meetings only once every 18 months
The need for interoperability Increasing demand for multi media web pages with text, images, music, video e-learning objects in all media How will rights information and royalties be managed? The project identified the needs and proposed a solution for interoperability
Our proposal Workshop meeting of TC46 SC9 identifier registration agencies proposed for autumn ISBN, ISSN, ISTC, ISWC, ISRC (IFPI), ISAN (CISAC, AGICOA, FIAPF), DOI How best to web-enable identifiers? How can identifiers and metadata interoperate? Could DOI and the iDD provide an answer?
Further information ISO TC46 / SC9 Contact