Honors English 3 October 27 I can edit sentences for mistakes in mechanics. I can relate a work of literature to the time period in which it is set and in which it is written. I can demonstrate comprehension of increasingly difficult texts by answering literal and interpretive questions. I can analyze the ways in which a writer develops a character throughout the course of a drama. By PresenterMedia.comPresenterMedia.com
Edit for mistakes in mechanics Comma, Run-on, Usage, Apostrophe When astronomer Galileo observed sunspots in 1610 church leaders were angry that he’d suggest the sun wasnt perfect today we no sunspots are just the suns relatively cold areas. Millions of organisms live in and on our bodies, the human armpit for instance has up to 500 million bacteria in the space of a tiny insignificant pinhead. Kellys t shirt has the latin phrase cave canem (beware of the dog) and pictures of these three well known dogs a german shepherd and english sheepdog and a beagle. Comma, Comma Splice, Usage Comma, Hyphen, Apostrophe, Foreign Words/Phrases, Semicolon
We have covered Arthur Miller’s background, The Red Scare, Senator Joseph McCarthy, McCarthyism/Crack-down on Communists in the 1950s, and Due Process Rights during the McCarthy hearings. We will finish the rest of the notes for Communism, The Communist Party of the United States, Edward R. Murrow, JUAC, and the Hollywood Ten/Hollywood Blacklists Arthur Miller’s background
Catch Up on The Crucible As you view the movie up to the beginning of Act Three, pay attention to character development: John Proctor Reverend Hale Judge Danforth What parallels can you draw between those portrayals and what was happening politically when Miller wrote his play.