ESSENTIAL STANDARD 2.00 Understand the nature of business. 1
OBJECTIVE 2.04 Understand applications and issues of technology. 2
Topics Businesses use of technology Concerns of using technology 3
Businesses use of technology 4
5 Applications of Technology by Businesses What are computer networks? computers linked in a school or business so users can share hardware, software, and data Examples of computer networks: Internet - Public network used most often for: ing Accessing the World Wide Web (WWW) Intranet - Private network, primarily used to share information
Applications of Technology by Businesses continued What is artificial intelligence (AI)? Enables computers to reason learn and make decisions Example: voice recognition software Video How do expert systems help people? Computer programs that help people solve technical problems including medical services, financial planning, legal matters Example: Automotive parts electronic catalogue videovideo Why is Computer- aided design (CAD) used? VideoVideo Used to create product styles and designs. Example: Design for a camera 6
Applications of Technology by Businesses continued What is involved in E-commerce? – conducting business transactions using the internet or other technology Most common activities of E-Commerce: Providing product information Promoting a company Selling online Conducting market research Making payments Obtaining parts and supplies Tracking shipments 7
Applications of Technology by Businesses continued Four basic models for E-commerce: B2C: Business-to-Consumer Example: Lands’ selling swimwear to expecting mothers B2B: Business-to-Business Example: ships office supplies to local hospitals C2B: Consumer-to-Business Example: Customers completing on-line surveys in order to provide feedback to Dunkin’ Donuts C2C: Consumer-to-Consumer Example: Customer buying electronics from other customers through 8
9 Applications of Technology by Businesses continued What is a Management Information System (MIS)? An ordered system for processing and reporting information in an organization Four main components of a MIS: Gathering data Analyzing data Storing data Reporting results
Applications of Technology by Businesses continued Categories of information obtained from MIS: Financial Information for budgets and financial reports and statements Production and inventory Information for production summaries and supplies Marketing and sales Information to determine customer needs, economic conditions, and competitors action Human resources Information about employees’ salaries, benefits and evaluations 10
Applications of Technology by Businesses continued What is involved in robotics activities? videovideo It involves mechanical devices programmed to do routine tasks, such as those seen on an assembly line in factories. What activities happen during telecommuting? Workers use computers off- site to do a job, saving travel time and costs. Video 11
Concerns of using technology 12
13 Concerns of Using Technology Employment Trends What are some employment trends in the workplace? Shift in duties and skills needed in workplace, and companies have to retrain displaced workers What is computer literacy? Ability to enter, store, process, and retrieve information
14 Concerns of Using Technology continued Computer Crimes What is a computer virus? – hidden program code in a system that can do damage to software or stored data
15 Concerns of Using Technology continued Computer Crimes continued What is a white-collar crime? An illegal act carried out by office or professional workers while at work including stealing money, information, or computer time through improper use of computer systems Piracy – stealing or illegally copying software packages or information
16 Concerns of Using Technology continued Health Concerns What are some possible health concerns for employees? Eyestrain, muscle tension, nerve damage, carpal tunnel syndrome
Concerns of Using Technology continued Privacy Concerns What are some concerns with privacy? Dishonest people have access to customer records. Companies have changed which employees, as well as other people, that may have access to customer and employee records. What is identity theft? Thieves obtain information about a person online 17