Tilings, Geometric Representations, and Discrete Analytic Functions László Lovász Microsoft Research
Harmonic functions Every non-constant function has at least 2 poles.
Example 1: Random walks S f(v)= E (f(Z v )) Z v : (random) point where random walk from v hits S v 0 v 1 f(v)= P ( random walk from v hits t before s) s t
Example 2: Electrical networks 0 v 1 f(v)= electrical potential s t
Example 3: Rubber bands f(v)= position of nodes 0 1
“Dictionary” of quantities from electrical networks, random walks, and static:
Analytic functions on the lattice (Ferrand 1944, Duffin 1956) z z+1 z+i z+i+1
“z”“z” i 2-i 1+i 1-i-i i 2i 3i 1+2i 4 3+i 3-i
i 3-4i 2i -2i i i 8-6i
i -1+i i -i-i -6i -19i -7-2i i -1-i2-7i i 1-i 1+i
Rotation-free circulation: Discrete holomorphic forms on surfaces Mercat 2001 Weighted version:
Grid on the torus
A : null-homologous circulationsdim( A ) = #faces-1= f-1 B : potentials dim( B ) = #nodes-1= n-1 C : rotation-free circulations dim( C ) = #edges- (#nodes-1)- (#faces-1) = 2·genus mutually orthogonal Discrete Hodge decomposition
“Analytic function cannot vanish on a large set’’ “Large” is not size: planar piece separating set of size < 2g
f : nonzero rotation-free circulation G ’: subgraph where f does not vanish U : connected subgraph such that f vanishes on all edges incident with U “Analytic function cannot vanish on a large set’’ U can be separated from G ’ by at most 4g-3 nodes. Benjamini-L
Main (easy) topological lemma:
(assume no other 0’s) Proof of Theorem u
Which sets of edges can be supports of rotation-free circulations? - weighting of the edges - for weights =1 - for some weighting Can be characterized using matroid theory LL-Schrijver Combinatorially analytic maps:
incidence vector of edge uv projection of uv on C If g>0 and G is 3-connected and simple, then uv 0 for every edge uv. u v qp If g=0, then uv =0 for every edge uv.
ee e
incidence vector of edge uv projection of uv on C If g>0 and G is 3-connected and simple, then uv 0 for every edge uv. u v qp If g>0 and G is 3-connected and simple, then nowhere-0 rotation-free circulation on G.
A strange identity: If G is a 3-connected map, then
Toroidal maps: analytic functions, straight line embeddings, rubber bands, square tilings
Universal cover map
g=1 : Two linearly independent rotation-free circulations
Two linearly independent harmonic functions
Two coordinates periodic embedding in the plane embedding in the torus This gives an embedding in the torus
Horizontal coordinate is nowhere-zero flow nondegenerate squares Edge square horizontal length size
R. Kenyon
Which other properties of analytic functions have discrete analogues? Multiplication of analytic (meromorphic) functions? Merkat: weight the edges, “critical” weighting Riemann-Roch? (Cai)
Global information from local observation “Can you hear the shape of a drum?” - Observe a graph locally (a single node, a neighborhood of a node, a “window”) - There is a local random process on the graph (random walk, heat bath,...) - Infer global properties of the graph
The graph, with the window:
The Noisy Circulator: (face balancing) (edge excitation) frequency 1 frequency p (node balancing)
If no edge excitation occurs, then the weighting converges to a rotation-free flow. dimension of rotation-free flows =2g dimension of rotation-free flows in window =2g if edge excitations occur infrequently: random vectors from a (2g) -dimensional subspace with errors
If p<N -c, then observing the Noisy Circulator for N c /p steps, we can determine g with high probability.