Instrument Control Systems Seminar 2014, 20 th -24 th October 2014 Instrument Control Systems 2014 The ESPRESSO Control System Echelle SPectrograph for Rocky Exoplanets and Stable Spectral Observations
Instrument Control System Seminar, 20 th -24 th October 2014 PI: F. Pepe INAF-OATs: S. Cristiani; P. Molaro ESPRESSO G. Calderone, R. Cirami, P. Di Marcantonio, P. Santin Coudé Train M. Monteiro ESPRESSO V. Baldini, I. Coretti Coudé Train M. Abreu, A. Oliveira ESPRESSO G. Cupani, V. D’Odorico ESPRESSO Consortium - people Centro de Astrofísica da Universidade do Porto Universidade de Lisboa, CAAUL and LOLS INAF, Osservatorio Astronomico di Trieste INAF, Osservatorio Astronomico di Brera Observatory of the University of Geneva Physics Institute, University of Bern Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias European Southern Observatory
Instrument Control System Seminar, 20 th -24 th October 2014 What kind? Super – UVES (high-resolution, high efficiency) Super – HARPS (ultra stability)
Instrument Control System Seminar, 20 th -24 th October 2014 Scientific cases search for rocky exoplanets in the habitable zone probe variability of fundamental constants the chemical composition of stars in local galaxies, IGM etc. etc.
Instrument Control System Seminar, 20 th -24 th October 2014 The ESPRESSO Instrument the ESPRESSO movie
Instrument Control System Seminar, 20 th -24 th October 2014 Where we are? Somewhere between FDR and PAE … installation in Paranal starting Q CCL and CT flange positions/drilling holes
Instrument Control System Seminar, 20 th -24 th October 2014 ESPRESSO functions
Instrument Control System Seminar, 20 th -24 th October 2014 ESPRESSO “motorized” functions TYPESYMBOLTotal Front End Servo driven rotary motion for ADC (2 for each UT)ROT8 Piezo system for Field stabilization (2-axes)PZT4 Piezo system for Pupil stabilization (2-axes)PZT4 Servo driven rotary motion (filter wheel, neutral density filter)ROT4 Servo driven linear motion (slide), limit switches (calibration injection)LIN4 Servo driven linear motion (slide), limit switches (focus)LIN4 Servo driven rotary motion, proximity switches (mode selector)ROT1 Diagnostic sensors (distributed multi-channel temperature system)SEN1 Electronic cabinet diagnostic sensors (analog and digital)SEN16 + TBD Total F/E29 + sensors Calibration Unit ThAr lampLAM2 Laser Driven Light Source (LDLS)LAM1 Fabry-Pérot (FP)LAM1 Laser Frequency Comb (LFC)LAM1 Servo driven linear motion (lamp selector slide), limit switchesLIN2 Servo driven rotary motion (filter wheel, neutral density filter)ROT2 Servo driven rotary motion (filter wheel, neutral density filter)ROT2 Servo driven linear motion (UT calibration fiber selector slide), limit switches LIN2 Diagnostic sensors (for LFC and other lamps)SENTBD Electronic cabinet diagnostic sensors (analog and digital)SEN4 Total CU14 + sensors Spectrograph Shutter selectorPLC1 Housekeeping system (temperature) - LakeshoresSEN4-218; Housekeeping and control system (detector head)SENTBD Housekeeping and control system (vacuum vessel)SENTBD Electronic cabinet diagnostic sensors (analog and digital)SENTBD Total SP1+ sensors
Instrument Control System Seminar, 20 th -24 th October 2014 ESPRESSO SW protocols
Instrument Control System Seminar, 20 th -24 th October 2014 ESPRESSO deployment diagram
Instrument Control System Seminar, 20 th -24 th October 2014 ESPRESSO DFS architecture
Instrument Control System Seminar, 20 th -24 th October 2014 SW key-criticalities control of all functions (specific needs for ESPRESSO e.g. lamps warm-up time, lamps availability, PLC VLT I/f, sensors) CT control and the multiUT observations flexibility (possibility to use any of the UT's) TCCDs deployment (we have 9 of them!) and stabilization performance DFS (EOPS, DAS deployment)
Instrument Control System Seminar, 20 th -24 th October 2014 ESPRESSO CT optics
Instrument Control System Seminar, 20 th -24 th October 2014 ESPRESSO CT SW Architecture
Instrument Control System Seminar, 20 th -24 th October 2014 ESPRESSO environments
Instrument Control System Seminar, 20 th -24 th October 2014 ESPRESSO SW modules
Instrument Control System Seminar, 20 th -24 th October 2014 DEMO OS Control
Instrument Control System Seminar, 20 th -24 th October 2014 DEMO Status panel – devices
Instrument Control System Seminar, 20 th -24 th October 2014 DEMO Status panel – sensors
Instrument Control System Seminar, 20 th -24 th October 2014 DEMO ICS Control
Instrument Control System Seminar, 20 th -24 th October 2014 DEMO AFPS