Introduction to Learning Management Systems (LMSs) A presentation by Amos Ochieng to Ujamaa Center at GTI
A brain teaser…. Figure the names of the countries Germany + na= China + many = + a= Cuba Uk+ +e = Ukrain +re + = America
LMS s ARE ONLINE CLASSROOMS WHERE INSTRUCTORS CAN; Hold discussions, Upload readings, Show videos and play audio, Carry out learning activities, Make announcements and Assess and grade student work.
ADVANTAGES OF LMSs LMSs store and deliver materials developed in a variety of different formats — everything from MS Office documents to videos and third-party applications They support synchronous (at the same time) and asynchronous (not at the same time) interactions between facilitators and learners and learners and learners. Can be hosted locally (i.e., kept on a server physically located at an educational institution) or remotely, “in the cloud” Carry out learning activities,
DISADVANTAGES OF LMSs Wherever they reside, LMSs demand high-speed connectivity and strong bandwidth. LMSs lack functionality in the most critical areas of teaching—content and instruction. Each LMS has its strength and weaknesses and there are far too many to discuss here
WHAT LMSs ARE NOT They are a repository or vehicle for learning, not the learning itself. An LMS does not teach an online course—the instructor does that through the LMS. LMSs do not support content creation. Rather, an instructional designer, designs content, using separate, dedicated content authoring software, and places content in the LMS and runs classes, discussions, quizzes through the LMS.
CHOOSING AN LMS Cost Ease of use The LMSs (and company’s) maturity and presence (a long- established record and a presence in the region) Appearance (look and feel) Suite of supports (hosting the course, course design, help with upgrades, etc.) Special features (e.g., Blackboard’s suite of applications; Moodle’s filtering system; D2L’s portfolio feature)
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