Projector-camera system Application of computer vision projector-camera v3a1
A Projector-Camera system projector-camera v3a2
Projector-Camera calibration projector-camera v3a3
Calibration method to find G p = (camera coordinate system to projector to transformation) Project a point x p in projector image to the projection frustum and the calibrated camera captures the handheld moving plane (4 corners) and the projected point X c. The camera coordinate system is the world coord. Sys. The 4 corners define the handheld plane for display ( ). The captured image point of X c is x c ’, which defines the vector V Xc from the camera center to the point Xc. Intersection between and V Xc is X c, hence Xc can be found. x p =G p *Xc, so if enough points (>=6, typically 40) correspondences between X c and x p are given G p can be found. projector-camera v3a4
Our setup projector-camera v3a5
Calibration procedure projector-camera v3a6
Quadrangle tracking projector-camera v3a7
Experiments projector-camera v3a8
Projection result projector-camera v3a9
Results projector-camera v3a10