1 Cluster Analysis – 2 Approaches K-Means (traditional) Latent Class Analysis (new) by Jay Magidson, Statistical Innovations based in part on a presentation by Wagner Kamakura at Statistical Modeling Week 2004
2 K-Means clustering Partitioning algorithm Partitions a data set into a pre-determined number of groups (clusters) that are homogeneous in terms of selected continuous variables Y 1,Y 2,… How it works: User chooses the number K of clusters and selects variables to define these clusters Step 1: Algorithm randomly positions each cluster at a point in the variable space Step 2: Each case is assigned to the nearest of the K clusters using Euclidean distance Step 3: Within-cluster means are computed and the clusters are re-positioned at this centroid point The process is iterated until convergence
3 Illustration of K-Means clustering – Step 1 Y1Y1 Y2Y2 Cluster 1 Cluster 2 Cluster 3
4 Step 2: Cases Assigned to Clusters Y1Y1 Y2Y2
5 Step 3: Clusters are Repositioned Y1Y1 Y2Y2
6 Steps 2 and 3 are Repeated Y1Y1 Y2Y2
7 Cases are Assigned to Repositioned Clusters, and Algorithm Continues Y1Y1 Y2Y2
8 Problems with K-Means Approach Needs a metric for similarity or distance between pairs of respondents No statistical criterion to choose number of clusters Solution is not unique – depends on random start Use of Euclidean distance implies that within each cluster, the variance of Y 1 equals the variance of Y 2 Can’t classify respondents with missing data Y1Y1 Y2Y2 Marital Gender Female Male SingleMarriedDivorced ? Distance
9 Latent Class Cluster Models Differences from traditional clustering approach Based on similarity in response patterns, rather than distance between respondents Maximum likelihood and posterior mode parameter estimation utilizes the EM algorithm, which corresponds to a probabilistic extension of the K-Means algorithm Can be applied to variables of different scale types (discrete or continuous) Statistical tests available to compare different models Random sets of starting points to avoid local solutions Missing data not a major problem
10 Latent Class Cluster Analysis Instead of using distances to classify cases into segments, it uses probabilities Can handle nominal, ordinal and continuous variables (any combination of these) Isn’t as sensitive to missing data as traditional cluster analysis techniques. Easier to classify a respondent into a segment when some of the data is not available Reference: Magidson and Vermunt “Latent class models for clustering: A comparison with K-means”, Canadian Journal of Marketing Research, Vol. 20.1, 2002, pp