Keep Your Heart Deut 11:18, Prov 4:23 “Keep your heart with all diligence, For out of it spring the issues of life”
This Heart is Not… …the blood pump …guided by emotion and is not a component of “heartfelt” religion
This Heart Is… …the Mind of man, characterized by Reason, decision Understanding ◦Rom 1:21 “their foolish hearts were darkened” Affection, attention, devotion ◦Prov 23:26 “give me your heart”
This Heart Is… Memory ◦Ps 119:11 “hidden in my heart” Conscience ◦1Jn 3:19-21 “assure our hearts…our heart condemns us…our heart does not condemn us” A combination of all, the Whole Being of man ◦Ps 119:10 “my whole heart”
How Do We Keep Our Hearts? It’s a BIG Job, not for the “faint of heart” As God instructs ◦Understanding kept by increasing knowledge 2Pet 3:18, 2Tim 2:15 ◦Center our Affection, Attention and Devotion Mt 22:37, 1Cor 16:22, Col 3:1-2 ◦Store the Right Memories 1Cor 11:25-26, 1Tm 4:6, Phil 1:3
How Do We Keep Our Hearts? ◦Train the conscience 1Tm 4:2 ◦Completely keep the Complete Being 2Tm 3:16-17
Why? “Out of it spring the issues of life” Jesus emphasized it Mt 5:8 It is the root, foundation, the mainspring ◦Thoughts formed there Mt 15:19 ◦Purpose & plans made there 2Cor 9:7 ◦Words originate there Mt 12:34 ◦Actions proceed from there Mt 12:35
Conclusion If a Christian, get your heart back ◦Confess Jms 5:16, Repent & Pray Acts 8:22 If not a Christian ◦Hear Rom 10:17; Believe Jn 3:16; Repent Lk 13:3; Confess Rom 10:9, Be Baptized Acts 2:38, Live Faithfully Until Death Rev 2:10 Understand, your heart WILL be kept. Make sure you’re the one doing it.