WP7&8 Progress Report ITS Plenary meeting, 10 June 2014 LG, PK, VM, JR
2 Production of 10 dummy modules (without carbon plate) for development of the stave assembly procedure: DONE & SHIPPED to TORINO OB Module assembly dummy module Bari Torino Conductive carrying case
3 New FPCs delivered (12 pieces) Front view Back view FPCs layer stack up Cover-sheet 50 µm Copper 25 µm Kapton 25 µm Copper 25 µm Modules connection test parts Daisy-chain test pads OB FPCs - Last version: DONE F P C
4 The third balls pick up tool is ready - reference pins - laser drilled holes (Ø 100 µm) - pALPIDE_fs pads layout New balls pick-up tool (pALPIDE_fs) peek foil
5 New dummy modules for gluing test glass slide polyethylene filmtransparent film glass slide 210,6 mm 30,1 mm A A B B Dummy FPCs A - polyethylene film (~ 1 mm) B - transparent film (~ 0,09 mm) Glass slide dimension: 15 mm x 30 mm thickness: ~ 50 µm 2 lines of glue (20 mm x 1 mm) on each glass slide mask Representation of a module cross section glue lines
6 5 dummy transparent modules are ready and will be shipped to Torino New dummy modules for gluing test A - 3 dummy module with polyethylene film B - 2 dummy module with transparent film AB AB
Conical reference pins Spherical references (ruby) Alignment point Vacuum inlet (chip) Vacuum inlet (FPC) Vacuum inlet (soldering zone) New jig for the assembly and soldering process: ONGOING AND READY END OF JUNE
8 Next activities Production of new transparent FPCs for the optimization of the gluing mask shape Production of the new alignment and soldering tool Production of 2/3 dummy modules for assembly test (almost 28/42 blank chips needed)
Module assembly preparation in Strasbourg 2014/06 Started to adapt/implement the module assembly procedure to the local infrastructure based on the design/procedure of the Bari team Modifications: o Automatic placement with ZEVAC IP500 o Automatic vacuum control (LabVIEW) Planned activities for 2014/Q /Q2 Module assembly o Have the assembly tools/jigs manufactured by mechanics service at IPHC (in industry: 3D “printing”) o Develop and finalize the automated placement procedure o Finalize vacuum control and integrate to the placement framework o Final dummy module assembly: placement, gluing, soldering(method?)
Layer stackup: -30µm Al -50µm FR4 -30µm Al Padstack -Hole =0,25mm -Top pad=0,6mm -Bottom pad=0,6mm -Min trace width 0,085mm Still no finish, plating and solder mask. Layout compatible with test (daisy chain) chip 4 differentials pairs with selective copper for measuring the diff. impedance 1) Al PCB with selective copper Nikhef/Utrecht University
Preliminary Results/Measurements specifiedMeasured Al Top= Al bottom3028±2 FR45046±2 Selective copper98±1 Outer W/S100 / 100 Middle Outer W/S85 / 100 Middle Inner W/S100/ 115Reflection (Zo=120 ohm) Inner W/S85 / 115Reflection (Zo=150 ohm) 7 out of 8 boards were electrically (ohms) OK short in 8th board => Small dimensions are on limit of the producer technology Measured propagation delay 2.4 ns Expected 2,9ns, based on ε r =4,3 kapton Contacting producer about this.
Future work Measurements (eye diagrams and S-parameters) on setup with 1, 4 and 7 x 21cm with Al traces: Developing prototype (june 2014) version with plated holes Final goal: compatibility with Cu/Kapton solution but better X0 Should we continue this? Technology promising! Difference in material wrt Cu/kapton~ 0.2 %X USD/cm 2 for single layer no plated holes encouraging Final cost multilayer with plated holes not yet known X0 improvement for OB marginal wrt Cu/kapton Significant effort+some money required
Al PCB with laser ablated holes for spTAB Nikhef/Trieste development with Omni Circuit for spTAB. Excellent quality! Bonding at MIPOT failed: Al was optimal for wire bonding Omni Circuit is willing to develop Change Al Kapton Technology looks promising! Should we continue this development? X0 better than copper/kapton spTAB potentially cheaper than soldering Proven solution (SDD/SSD) Suppliers for large quantities? Considerable effort+some money required Laser soldering seems close to final solution Investment on development of soldering tools ongoing To be discussed in WP
Full scale demo module Exchanging information dimensions soldering tools with Cosimo Verifying position of connectors and components
CSN III – 20 Marzo