Impact melting in sedimentary target rocks? G.R. Osinski 1, J.G. Spray 1 & R.A.F. Grieve 2 1 Planetary and Space Science Centre University of New Brunswick, Fredericton NB, Canada 2 Earth Science Sector Natural Resources Canada, Ottawa ON, Canada
Impact melting in sedimentary rocks? Kieffer & Simonds (1980): Volume of impact melt “documented”: ~10 2 LESS than for crystalline target rocks in comparably sized impact craters Volume of target material shocked to pressures sufficient for melting: NOT significantly different in sedimentary or crystalline rocks ANOMALY attributed to “unusually” wide dispersion of shock-melted sedimentary rocks by expansion of sediment-derived vapour
Strat colums……… Haughton impact structureRies impact structure Data from Thorsteinsson & Mayr (1987)Data from Schmidt-Kaler (1978)
Crater fill impactites at Haughton
Nature of the groundmass Unshocked microcrystalline CALCITE, generally occurring as irregular blebs and globules (~20-90 vol%) Silicate-rich GLASS (~5-40 vol%): Si-Mg-Al-rich glasses yielding relatively high (~85 wt%) totals Si-Mg-Al-CO 2 -rich glasses - low totals (~60-65 wt %) Comprise the bulk (>95 vol%) of the matrix- forming glassesComprise the bulk (>95 vol%) of the matrix- forming glasses Si-rich glass particles - high totals (~90-95 wt%) Rare, sometimes angular (early-formed melt?)Rare, sometimes angular (early-formed melt?)
Evidence for shock melting of carbonates Carbonate-silicate liquid immiscible textures Anomalous calcite compositions Calcite spheres in the matrix Carbonate overgrowths on dolomite clasts Assimilation of dolomite clasts Infiltration of calcite and silicate-rich matrix phases into clasts Ca-Mg silicates
Anomalous calcite composition Analysis12345 SiO Al 2 O FeO MgO CaO SO Cl Total *Ti, Mn, Na & K were analyzed for but were below detection for all analyses
Ries impact structure, Germany
SiO 2 -rich glasses Ubiquitous in ‘fallout’ suevites (Osinski, 2003) Occur as individual particles/clasts in the groundmass or as inclusions in other glass particles Composition: ~ wt% SiO 2 FeO, MgO, CaO, Na 2 O <1-2 wt% Al 2 O 3, K 2 O ~1-6 wt% Protolith: L. Jurassic and Triassic sandstones > <770 m pre-impact depth
Al-Ca-H 2 O-rich glasses Recognized in 4 samples (Osinski, 2003) Composition: Low SiO 2 : wt% High Al 2 O 3 (17-21 wt%) and CaO (5-7 wt%) Oxide totals ~83-88% => substantial volatile contents Protolith: Clay-rich sedimentary rocks (shales, claystones etc.) from lowermost part of sed. sequence High CaO content may suggest a component of marls in the melt zone
Evidence for shock melting of carbonates Calcite occurs as globules in silicate-rich glasses and in the groundmass Unequivocal evidence for liquid immiscibility (Graup, 1999; Osinski, 2003) Protolith: U. Jurassic Malm limestones <350 m pre-impact depth
Modeling No modeling carried out at Haughton to date Ries impact structure (Stoffler et al., 2002): Modeling suggests shock melting of sandstones – confirmed by our analytical SEM studies (Osinski, 2003) Modeling invokes shock degassing of carbonates – NOT supported by optical and analytical SEM studies (Graup, 1999; Osinski, 2003)
Conclusions Carbonate-rich crater-fill deposits at Haughton are carbonate-rich impact melt breccias Shocked-melted sedimentary rocks preserved in proximal “ejecta” from the Ries impact structure No evidence for decomposition and degassing of carbonates from Haughton or Ries Shock melting of sedimentary rocks occurred during the Haughton and Ries (and Chicxulub) impact events Agreement with theoretical studies which suggest that impacts into sedimentary targets should produce as much melt as impacts into crystalline targets