Masterful Facilitation Model
Facilitation Ladder Basic Facilitation Skills TOT Facilitation Facilitation as Core Competency
Facilitation A purposeful, systematic intervention into the actions of an individual or group that results in an enhanced, ongoing capability to meet desired objectives
Objective of Facilitation Getting people to change their behavior – getting the group unstuck Getting the group to understand real problem, challenging their assumptions, aiding them in identifying new solutions, and ensuring their commitment to implementation.
Three Keys to Facilitation Purpose (What is your purpose?) Results (What result do you want?) Level of Intervention
Facilitation Cycle Designing Intervention Facilitating &Evaluating Results Initial Contact & Clarify Objectives
Phase 1: Making Initial Contact Making it simple, hassle-free and professional Getting ready Rapport building
Phase 2: Clarifying Desired Objectives and Contracting for Results Clarifying and Contracting 1.What is the individual or group’s purpose 2.What is the desired result? 3.How will success be measured? 4.What is expected of you as facilitator? 5.What are your expectations of the individual or group?
Phase 3: Designing the intervention Predesign analysis –What exactly are you getting involved in? –What is really going on here? Creative process of Design –How will you go about your job? –What environment do you create? Reaching agreement
Analyses A. Organizational Context –Mission, Vision, Values –Leadership, Information, Technology –Structure, Reward, People Group Context –Forming, Storming, Norming, Performing, Dorming Individual Context –Tasks, Relationship, Self
11 A Balanced Scorecard Sets Expectations, Removes Emotion, Establishes a Baseline to Measure Progress Strategic Alignment Cause and Effect Managed Achievement Measurement FinancialCustomer Internal Business Processes Learning and Growth Alignment through Measurement
Balanced Scorecard Dimensions Outcome Perspective Function Perspective Relationship Perspective Organisation Perspective IT Cost per user IT Spending by portfolio category Performance to spending targets IS&T staff engagement score IS&T capabilities vs. benchmarks Price competitiveness of IT services vs. external benchmark Willingness to engage IS&T in developing major projects % of projects delivered to agreed scope, time and budget Business owner satisfaction score End-user satisfaction score IS&T contribution to initiatives of corporate strategic importance Overall ability to deliver technical/business solutions and services Extent to which supports government initiatives System downtime Help desk first-call resolution rate Tickets per registered user per month Number of failure incidents with business impact per quarter Security audit results
A creative process (Intervention Approaches)
Phase 4: Facilitating Set up (Preintervention climate setting & Creating a problem- solving environment) Review of current state or identifying issues Vision of future state Brainstorming solutions Agreement on action plans Closure
Phase 5: Evaluating the Results Measure, Evaluation, Revision What did we plan to achieve? Did we achieve it? To what standard did we achieve it? What have we learned that can be applied in the future.
Masterful Facilitation Ability X Effort X Attitude 0 – 100 X X