Omar Mat Piah JKKP Johor OSH Master Plan 2015 Omar Mat Piah JKKP Johor
10.8 Juta Pekerja
Bahaya di tempat kerja Bahaya Fizikal Bahaya Kimia mekanikal Gas/wap elektrikal ergonomik bising getaran ketinggian haba tekanan Gas/wap habuk/mist/fume Bahaya Psikososial keganasan seksual tekanan kawan sekerja jiran/keluarga penyalahgunaan dadah Bahaya Biologikal bakteria/virus/spora habuk tumbuhan eg. Pollen
Gagal Kawalan 10.2 Juta Pekerja 123 kemalangan/hari 44,918 setahun 2 kematian/hari 746 setahun Pampasan RM 1.2 Bilion 10.2 Juta Pekerja
Unsafe Act & Unsafe Condition Kemalangan disebabkan oleh tindakan dan keadaan yang tak selamat
Unsafe Act & Unsafe Condition
Unsafe Act & Unsafe Condition
Kesan kepada pekerja malang Trauma Kualiti Hidup Meneruskan Pekerjaan
Kesedihan Keluarga
The Effects of Losses on Profits Accident Cost (RM) Profit Margin Additional Sales (RM) 10,000 5% 200,000 1% 1,000,000 100,000 2,000,000 10,000,000 Revenue Profit Avoidable Losses Expenses
Kerjasama & Penglibatan FALSAFAH DAN PRINSIP AKKP94 Pengaturan Kendiri Pencipta Risiko Bekerja Dengan Risiko Perundingan Kerjasama & Penglibatan Pekerja
TANGGUNGJAWAB MAJIKAN adakan dan senggara loji dan sistem kerja S 15 (2) (a) perkiraan untuk penggunaan Bahan dan Loji secara selamat S 15 (2) (b) adakan maklumat, arahan, latihan dan penyeliaan S 15 (2) (c) adakan dan senggara tempat kerja, masuk/keluar darinya S 15 (2) (d) adakan dan senggara persekitaran kerja dan kemudahan Kebajikan S 15 (2) (e)
“setakat yang praktik” Teruknya bahaya/risiko Pengetahuan Adanya cara Kos BAHAYA/RISIKO
rancangan jangka sederhana sehingga tahun 2015 membentuk modal insan Negara yang selamat, sihat dan produktif sebahagian daripada rancangan jangka panjang untuk membentuk satu budaya kerja selamat di kalangan rakyat Malaysia.
SAFE, HEALTHY AND PRODUCTIVE HUMAN CAPITAL Strong Partnership Locally and Internationally Government Leadership and Practices Preventive Workplace Culture Industry Leadership and Community Engagement Government promotes a high level of workplace health and safety performance, and has excellent health and safety practices in its own workplaces Work-related fatality rate down by 20% from 12.4 fatalities per 100,000 workers Work-related injury rate down by 30% from 6.1 injuries per 1,000 workers Industries lead improvements in workplace health and safety practices, and there is strong support for workplace health and safety in the wider community. Internally there will be strong correlation between/amongst OSH practitioners and the Government. Externally, more bilateral agreements on OSH will be implemented. Enhance the legal and policy framework for OSH Provide compliance support to OSH legislation Implement an effective enforcement Launch special programmes and new approaches to improve OSH. Compilation of OSH best practices Strengthen the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) Facilitate OSH training and information services. Strengthen the capacity of government to influence OHS outcomes Facilitate, develop and encourage OSH R&D Incentive and recognition scheme for good OSH performer Introduce risk based social security scheme Ratification of ILO conventions and directives Rehabilitation & return to work program Promote a Safety Culture Prevent occupational disease more effectively Eliminate hazards at the design stage Design and develop safe environments, systems and products Advance injury prevention knowledge and information Increase quantity and quality of OSH practitioners Build strong capabilities to better manage OSH Industry-led OSH outreach programmes by related association Driving improvements through large establishment To estimate and reflect the real costs of accidents and promote good OSH management Establish the practice of including OSH performance in contracts Publish and disseminate useful and timely OSH Information Identify and recognize industry and community leaders to act as OSH champion Enhancing the capabilities of the NCOSH. Enhancing International Collaboration (OSHNET) Develop local OSH experts to sit in international committee and bodies
Government Leadership and Practices SAFE, HEALTHY AND PRODUCTIVE HUMAN CAPITAL Government Leadership and Practices Government promotes a high level of workplace health and safety performance, and has excellent health and safety practices in its own workplaces Enhance the legal and policy framework for OSH Provide compliance support to OSH legislation Implement an effective enforcement Launch special programmes and new approaches to improve OSH. Compilation of OSH best practices Strengthen the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) Facilitate OSH training and information services. Strengthen the capacity of government to influence OHS outcomes Facilitate, develop and encourage OSH R&D Incentive and recognition scheme for good OSH performer Introduce risk based social security scheme Ratification of ILO conventions and directives Rehabilitation & return to work program
Promote a Safety Culture Prevent occupational disease more effectively SAFE, HEALTHY AND PRODUCTIVE HUMAN CAPITAL Preventive Workplace Culture Work-related fatality rate down by 20% from 12.4 fatalities per 100,000 workers Work-related injury rate down by 30% from 6.1 injuries per 1,000 workers Promote a Safety Culture Prevent occupational disease more effectively Eliminate hazards at the design stage Design and develop safe environments, systems and products Advance injury prevention knowledge and information Increase quantity and quality of OSH practitioners
Build strong capabilities to better manage OSH SAFE, HEALTHY AND PRODUCTIVE HUMAN CAPITAL Industry Leadership and Community Engagement Industries lead improvements in workplace health and safety practices, and there is strong support for workplace health and safety in the wider community. Build strong capabilities to better manage OSH Industry-led OSH outreach programmes by related association Driving improvements through large establishment To estimate and reflect the real costs of accidents and promote good OSH management Establish the practice of including OSH performance in contracts Publish and disseminate useful and timely OSH Information Identify and recognize industry and community leaders to act as OSH champion
Enhancing the capabilities of the NCOSH. SAFE, HEALTHY AND PRODUCTIVE HUMAN CAPITAL Strong Partnership Locally and Internationally Internally there will be strong correlation between/amongst OSH practitioners and the Government. Externally, more bilateral agreements on OSH will be implemented. Enhancing the capabilities of the NCOSH. Enhancing International Collaboration (OSHNET) Develop local OSH experts to sit in international committee and bodies
SPECIAL PROJECT : Occupational Safety and Health Improvement in Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) DOOR TO DOOR Provide Guidance SME MOBILE Promotional, support, advisory OSH UMBRELLA Collabration with SME associations Encourage factories to register XPRESS REGISTRATION
Challenges Voluntary action Practical advice Low cost solutions Solutions increase safety, productivity, quality Focus on achievement & avoid criticism Use local practices Small but continuous improvement
DOSH JOHOR experiences Fast track registration Since 16 Mac – Visit/contact to 54 factories but only 7 (13%) submitted the forms Door to door Since 1 April – Visit to 13 factories Willing to participate Wait and see (to study benefit / need further information) Not welcomed (fear factor, waste time, extra cost,) OSH Umbrella Persatuan Percetakan Negeri Johor
Penyelesaian kepada Unsafe Act & Condition Pengurusan Keselamatan dan Kesihatan Pekerjaan Policy Organizing Action for improvement Evaluation Planning & implementation Penyelesaian kepada Unsafe Act & Condition Kemalangan terkawal
Together we create and sustain safety culture Terima Kasih Together we create and sustain safety culture