The Path To Elite – What it Takes doTERRA Elite Training The Path To Elite – What it Takes
doTERRA What is Elite Rank that differentiates someone sharing the oils with someone who’s building a business. First building block in rank advancement, gateway to diamond Diamond is built on Elite
doTERRA What is Elite (cont.) Focus on Elite for yourself and then repeat the process and build other Elites on your team. Three Elites = Silver
doTERRA Why Elite? Confidence Builder Compensation is more substantial – covers the cost of your monthly LRP order Builds onto your belief in doTERRA and the business opportunity.
doTERRA How to Attain Elite Elite rank is attained with $3,000 OV (overall volume). Volume can be dispersed anywhere in your organization.
Elite Builder Worksheet doTERRA Elite Builder Worksheet Breaks down the rank into bite sized, attainable nuggets You will need to know your current volume (from back office)
Elite Builder Worksheet (cont.) doTERRA Elite Builder Worksheet (cont.) Add of all scheduled LRP volume on your team and enter total into Box 1. (login to, click on Consultant Services > Geneology > Graphic tree Hover mouse over each circle and squte to view smart tags showing pending LRP order.
Elite Builder Worksheet (cont.) doTERRA Elite Builder Worksheet (cont.) Circle = LRP template >100 PV Square = LRP template <100 PV Add up all Lrp orders set for the next calendar month Subtract from 3000 to determin remaining OV required
Elite Builder Worksheet (cont.) doTERRA Elite Builder Worksheet (cont.) Divide this number by 500 (average volume per class) this will determine the number of classes you need to hit rank. Example: 3,000 – 1,500 = 1,500 / 500 = 3 Goal: 3 classes before month end