The Historical Jesus
The Jesus of History vs. The Christ of Faith The actual historical person Jesus of Nazareth, as historical method can reconstruct him The figure of Jesus as the central figure of Christian theology and faith
My Source for all this John Dominic Crossan
The Four Gospels Anonymous (names added much later) Just four among Many Took over two centuries to canonize Written 40-80 years after Jesus lived Not by eyewitnesses 4
Gospel Sources 70-75 50-60 85-90 100-110 5
Jesus the Jew 6
Israel Under Rome 7
Jewish Groups in the time of Jesus Sadducees – The wealthy aristocrats who worked with Rome and ran the Temple Essenses – left Jerusalem and thought the temple leaders were evil. Look forward to a soon-to- come last great battle between good and evil Pharisees – Sought to bring ritual purity and the law to everyday Jews Zealots – worked for a violent revolution against Rome 8
Jesus of Nazareth Born 4-7 BCE A Tekton (manual worker) Baptized By John around 30 CE Chose 12 Disciples Taught in Parables Healed the Sick and Exorcised Demons Went to Jerusalem and made a Demonstration in the Temple Crucified by Pontius Pilate, the Roman Governor in the early 30s CE 9
How to read The Birth Stories
Eschatology 11
John The Baptist 12
The Kingdom of God 13
Healer and Exorcist Medical Anthropology Healing an illness Vs Curing a Disease The Placebo Effect Leprosy Casting out Demons 14
Table Fellowship 15
Jesus the Teacher Used Parables and Aphorisms Marked by humor and hyperbole Distinctive turns of Phrase Debated other groups Mostly taught during his table fellowship 16
Themes of Jesus' Teaching Reject violence Love God and your fellow human beings Forgive those who wrong you Reject the pursuit of wealth, fame and power, Be Humble Don't judge others Love your enemies Care for the poor, the needy, and the marginalized 17
Jesus Confronts the Priests 19
King of the Jews 20