+ Educational Technology Instructional Software SANKARSINGH,C TECH1001.


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Presentation transcript:

+ Educational Technology Instructional Software SANKARSINGH,C TECH1001

+ Session 4 What is the instructional software? Definition Types of instructional software Categories, Instructional Role, Features, Examples Benefits vs. Pitfalls What do those in support say? What do the critics say? How do you select appropriate instructional software Scenarios, theory bases, selection criteria, instructional stategies SANKARSINGH,C TECH1001 2

+ Icebreaker SANKARSINGH,C TECH1001 3

+ Instructional Software The word “software” is used to describe programs written in computer languages. Instructional software is application software that is designed specifically to deliver or assist with learner instruction on a topic. Sole purpose: to deliver instruction or to support learning. SANKARSINGH,C TECH1001 4

+ Types of Instructional Software Drill and Practice Tutorial Simulation Instructional Game Problem Solving SANKARSINGH,C TECH1001 5

+ Drill and Practice Example Example SANKARSINGH,C TECH Definition Drill and practice software provides exercises in which students work example items one at a time and receive feedback on their correctness. Instructional Role To help students accurately commit information and understanding to memory. Feature Reinforce instruction by providing the repetition necessary to move acquired skills and concepts into long- term memory. Flash card activities; Branching drills; Extensive feedback activities. Vocabulary, maths, facts quizzes, worksheets

+ Examples: SANKARSINGH,C TECH1001 7

+ Criteria for Selection BENEFITS Immediate feedback, Motivation, Saves teacher time. LIMITATIONS Misuse / Overuse Outmoded SANKARSINGH,C TECH Do you have control over the presentation rate? Is it timed? What is the navigation like? Is there good answer judging? Does the program discriminate between correct and incorrect input of answers? Is feedback appropriate?

+ Tutorials Example Example SANKARSINGH,C TECH Tutorials provide an entire instructional sequence similar to a teacher’s classroom instruction on a topic. A tutorial exposes the learner to material that has not been previously taught or learned. Instructional Role: to provide self-paced reviews of instruction, alternative learning strategies, when teacher is not available  Features  Follow linear programmed instruction or branching design.  May include drill-and-practice activities  Encourage students to interact, control and respond to the program.  Guide the learner throughout learning from the beginning (objectives) to the end (evaluation).  Have computer-management capabilities (e.g. data collection).


+ Criteria for Selection BENEFITS Drills; self-contained, self- paced unit of instruction; can be used in the absence of a teacher LIMITATIONS criticized for being “directed” instruction by constructivists; lack of good products; only employ one instructional approach SANKARSINGH,C TECH Is there extensive interactivity? Is there thorough user control? Is the pedagogy appropriate? Is there adequate answer- judging and feedback capabilities? Are there appropriate graphics? Is there adequate recordkeeping?

+ Simulations Example Example SANKARSINGH,C TECH Definition computerized models of real or imagined systems designed to teach how the system works Features Involve students into learning process. Compress time or slow down processes. Save money and resources. Make experimentation safe. Make impossible situations possible and controllable. Let student repeat events as many times as they want. Instructional Role: to introduce or clarify a new topic, to foster exploration and problem solving, and to encourage cooperation and group work.



+ Criteria for Selection BENEFITS Compress time; slow down/speed up processes; high student-involvement, safe experimentation; “impossible” becomes possible; repetition; observation of complex processes; LIMITATIONS Accuracy problems; Misuse, Misrepresentations SANKARSINGH,C TECH The usefulness of simulation software depends on the program’s purpose. How well does the simulation fit with the purpose of the lesson and the student needs? Use as supplements to lab experiments; role-playing; field trips; clarification on a new topic; group work; exploration.

+ Instructional Games Example Example SANKARSINGH,C TECH Definition courseware designed to motivate learning by adding game rules and/or competition to learning activities Features Make learning fun and motivating (Edutainment). Motivate learners via the challenge of competition. Engage the learner in a situation where the learner is competing for a high score. Include elements of adventure and uncertainty. Provide different levels of complexity that match player’s ability Instructional Role: to use in place of worksheets and exercises, to teach cooperative group skills, and as a reward.



+ Criteria for Selection BENEFITS Interesting, motivating, rewarding LIMITATIONS learning versus having fun; confusion of game rules and real-life rules; inefficient SANKARSINGH,C TECH Is the format and activity appealing? Elements of adventure? Uncertainty? What is the instructional value? Is the physical dexterity reasonable? Minimum violence and aggression

+ Problem Solving Example Example SANKARSINGH,C TECH Definition A program that serves to foster component skills involved in solving problems and/or provide opportunities to practice solving various problems in specific content areas Features Emphasis on thinking processes rather than correct answers. Exposes students to a series of activities that would help teach the desired skills. Help students work together in small teams. Give students opportunities to see how information applies to actual problems. Vary the amount of direction and assistance depending on the each student’s needs. Instructional Role: to teach component skills in problem solving strategies, provide support in solving problems, and encourage group problem solving.

+ Criteria for Selection BENEFITS Improved interests and motivation; Prevents inert knowledge LIMITATIONS names versus skills; software claims versus effectiveness; possible negative effects of directed instruction; transfer SANKARSINGH,C TECH Are the problem formats interesting? Challenging? Is there a clear link to developing a specific problem solving activity?

+ It’s your turn now Think of the scenarios in which instructional software can be used in a classroom or an instructional setting in Trinidad and Tobago. SANKARSINGH,C TECH

+ Technology Integration Strategies [Drill & Practice] - Class Activity To remedy identified weaknesses or skill deficits To promote skill fluency or automaticity SANKARSINGH,C TECH1001 SCENARIO # 1 23

+ Technology Integration Strategies [Tutorials] - Class Activity To provide efficient, self-paced instruction To support self-paced review of concepts SANKARSINGH,C TECH1001 SCENARIO # 2 24

+ Technology Integration Strategies [Simulations] - Class Activity To foster creative problem solving and metacognition To build mental models, increase knowledge transfer To foster group cooperation; allow for multiple intelligences To generate motivation to learn; optimize scarce personnel and material resources To remove logistical hurdles to learning SANKARSINGH,C TECH1001 SCENARIO # 3 25

+ Technology Integration Strategies [Instructional Games] - Class Activity To remedy identified weaknesses or skill deficits To promote skill fluency or automaticity To foster group cooperation; allow for MI; generate motivation to learn SANKARSINGH,C TECH1001 SCENARIO # 4 26

+ Technology Integration Strategies [Problem-Solving] - Class Activity To promote skill fluency or automaticity To foster creative problem solving and metacognition; group cooperation; allow for MI SANKARSINGH,C TECH1001 SCENARIO # 5 27

+ Next Week: Technology Software Support Tools in Teaching and Learning Review this class on Blackboard SANKARSINGH,C TECH1001