REVIEW 1)Confederation = when a country becomes a country 1)Canada confederated in = )Our first Prime Minister = John A Macdonald 1)The first 4 provinces to join Confederation = Quebec, Ontario, NB and NS
THE WEST UNIT – YEE HAW! Urban activity in Canada was primarily in the East Note: the first 4 provinces in Confederation are all out East In the West, the FUR TRADE was dominant
ABORIGINALS AND THE FUR TRADE- REVIEW Many different tribes in the region (Cree, Ojibiwa, Dene, Beaver) Contact with Europeans brought the Aboriginals into the fur trade Barter was a means of trade (barter = trading goods for goods) Aboriginals in trade sought items such as guns, metal goods and cloth The adapted their lives to the fur trade (ex. Moved from the woodlands to start the buffalo hunt) Introduction of the horse revolutionized life Contact with Europeans through trade brought disease such as smallpox etc.
WESTERN FUR TRADE There were two fur trading companies: 1)The Hudson’s bay Company (HBC) 2)The Northwest Company (NWC) Why was the fur trade so important to Canada? it developed our economy $$ increased interest in Canada (more settlers)
THE HBC - English Company (founded by two French courier du boi but supported by the British King) -Established in Owned all of the land that drained into the Hudson’s Bay (known as Rupert’s Land) -HQ’s in York Factory (northern MB) -Used “York Boats” instead of canoes. -Yorkmen -York boats could carry 3x as much as a canoe but more difficult to portage. -Modern store?- The Bay -HBC colors = dark navy, red, yellow, green, white.
THE NWC - French -Established in French Fur traders called “voyageurs” -French had alliances with the “Metis” -The Metis = ppl with French and Aboriginal Ancenstry -The HBC took over the NWC in The HBC now had the fur trade monopoly = complete control
THE RED RIVER COLONY AND THE KILDONAN SETTLERS What is it?An English Euro Settlement Where?Kildonan Area of Winnipeg Who started it?Thomas Douglas, 5 th Earl of Selkirk When?In 1812…continued on to form the city of Wpg in 1873! Why settle here?To bring English Europeans into the West to farm the land. What else?Miles Macdonell = he brought more English settlers to the area Chief Peguis = Aboriginal Chief who helped the Kildonan settlers arrive
RED RIVER COLONY BACKGROUND A major shareholder of the Hudson’s Bay Company receives a land settlement in Manitoba This land settlement was named the Red River Colony It was 116,000 square miles Started off as a small settlement of approx. 100 settlers The Nor’westers and Metis saw this settlement as a threat to their Pemmican Trade Eventually their fears came to a head at the Battle of Seven Oaks The Battle of Seven Oaks led to a fleeing from Lord Selkirk’s settlement However, Selkirk and his settlers did return with an armed force to regain their settlement….. And now on to a text assignment!