11/01/2012B.Couturier - Core Software Workshop 1 Software Development Infrastructure Main Topics Development tools Build and Release tools Tracking/Management Tools Monitoring of the infrastructure
11/01/2012B.Couturier - Core Software Workshop 2 Development Tools Eclipse plugin Appropriate for large developments Cumbersome to use for smaller modifications More feedback needed on the directions for development... New requests: Tools to assist Physicist writing their analysis ? (e.g. Decay descriptors)
11/01/2012B.Couturier - Core Software Workshop 3 Build and release tools Nightlies Not running the latest version from SFT – Waiting for the new version to be ready – Would probably profit from the new features Needs better monitoring Could be used to produce the tarballs to be released by the release tools (as is done by SFT)
11/01/2012B.Couturier - Core Software Workshop 4 Build and release tools Release Procedure Need to review the release process and tools Use the software built and tested by the continuous build system Remove dependency to AFS during the release Avoid building in the shared release area directly Some tools need refactoring
11/01/2012B.Couturier - Core Software Workshop 5 Build and release tools Release Procedure Code released to multiple places at CERN – Need for a single shared area for CERN Replace AFS by CVMFS altogether ? Nightlies ? Dev mode ? – Need of a single grid-enabled archive for tarballs instead of AFS (serving via HTTP) + CASTOR
11/01/2012B.Couturier - Core Software Workshop 6 Tracking and Management tools Savannah vs JIRA JIRA will be provided by IT – PH-SFT working on the transition – No schedule yet (Probably not before the end of the year) What is the urgency for LHCb ?
11/01/2012B.Couturier - Core Software Workshop 7 Tracking and Management tools Tag Collector Seems to have diverged from original aim Latest version not released due to lack of testing Request for support for handling of branches in version control system
11/01/2012B.Couturier - Core Software Workshop 8 Tracking and Management tools Version Control / SVN SVN seems appropriate but... Requests for pre-commit checks Any tools missing ? Do we need to investigate other systems ?
11/01/2012B.Couturier - Core Software Workshop 9 Infrastructure Monitoring Current State Need follow-up on Applications (nightlies, tag collector...) CRON JOB status This means: Check of global status But also of the error logs... Integration with existing tools ? e.g. lemon