Theme 5 – Vocabulary 24 Mrs. Fendrick
Name (first and last) Date Reading Period # Vocabulary Theme 5 – Lesson 24 Essential Question: How will learning new vocabulary help me? patriotism Definition:
Definition: love for your country and loyalty to it; national pride, and willingness to defend your country. patriotism (noun) Example: Captain Alfonza W. Davis showed great patriotism by serving our country during World War II.
Definition: love for your country and loyalty to it; national pride, and willingness to defend your country. patriotism (noun) Example: U.S. Marines who raised the flag after the battle over Iwo Jima, Japan, in 1945 showed patriotism. This famous news photo by Joe Rosenthal won a Pulitzer Prize.
Definition: successful and growing rapidly. flourish (verb) Example: Eric works hard and is good with animals, so his pet sitting business is flourishing.
fertile (adjective) Example: Definition: good for growing All kinds of fruits and vegetables grow well in this fertile valley.
primitive (adjective) Definition: simple or NOT high-tech The designs on the primitive clay pot had been scratched on the surface with a stick. Example:
immortalize (verb) Example: Definition: something created in memory of someone or to cause one to be remembered forever. The Mt. Rushmore National Memorial sculpture in South Dakota immortalizes famous Americans. Washington, Jefferson, Roosevelt, Lincoln
immortalize: Chief Crazy Horse ( ) of the Oglala Lakota Sioux tribe something created in memory of someone or to cause one to be remembered forever
Definition: in one piece. intact (adjective) Example: Tanisha’s mom received a new vase intact from the delivery truck.
Definition: person, place, or animal who can be traced to one individual or group descendant (noun) Steven is writing a family history so that his descendants will be able to trace their roots. Example: or your relatives in future generations.
Definition: to strengthen reinforce (verb) Example: Mom used mailing tape to reinforce the sides of the package before taking it to the shipping clerk.
reinforce to strengthen
Definition: ceremony or series of actions ritual (noun) Example: The team members have a set of rituals before each game. Quinceañera
Definition: reason cause (noun) Example: something that makes something else happen OR what happens first OR reason why something happens Cause: I missed the bus. Effect: I arrived late to school.
Definition: result Example: effect (noun) what happens as the result of a cause OR what happens second Cause: I missed the bus. Effect: I arrived late to school.
Cause Effect Examples The boy kicked the ball. The ball rolled. Sally studied hard for a test. Sally got an A on her test. Joe stayed up late last night. Joe was sleepy this morning.
flourish Definition: successful; growing rapidly Example: fertile Definition: good for growing Example: Name (first and last) Date Reading Period # Vocabulary Theme 5 – Lesson 24 primitive Definition: simple; not high-tech Example: immortalize Definition: to remember someone Example: intact Definition: in one piece Example: descendant Definition: person or animal traced to single individual or group. Example: patriotism Definition: love for and loyalty to country Example:
Summary reinforce Definition: to strengthen Example: ritual Definition: ceremony; series of actions Example: cause Definition: reason Example: I missed the bus. effect Definition: result Example: I arrived late to school.
Summary Learning new words will help me understand what I read.
Lesson 24 - Continued
Cornell Notes Use only blue or black ink or regular pencil. Name (first and last) Date Reading Period # Fold left side of paper 2.5 inches. Holes go on left side. Genre Review Theme 5 – Lesson 24 legend Definition: Essential Question: How will learning new vocabulary help me? Head a clean sheet of paper like the above example.
Name (first and last) Date Reading Period # Genre Review Theme 5 – Lesson 24 Essential Question: How will learning new vocabulary help me? legend Definition:
Definition: a story about people and their actions based on history or facts that became fiction over time. legend (noun) Examples:
Definition: simple truths about animals and plants that can talk and nature like thunder or wind with a moral or lesson at the end. fable (noun) Examples:
Definition: a children’s story with magical characters like elves or giants. folk or fairy tale (noun) Examples:
Definition: sacred story to explain the world with gods, goddesses, heroes, and monsters. myth (noun) Examples:
Summary Learning new words will help me understand what I read.
legend Definition: fiction story about people and their actions based on fact Example: Robin Hood fable Definition: simple truths with moral or lesson at end Example: Aesop Name (first and last) Date Reading Period # Genre Review Theme 5 – Lesson 24 folk or Definition: children’s story with magical characters like elves and giants Example: Jack and the Beanstalk myth E.Q.: How will learning new vocabulary help me? Definition: sacred stories to explain the world with gods, goddesses, heroes, and monsters Example: Athena and Arachne fairy tale
You must be able to: 1. Write the meaning of each word. 2. Use the word properly in a sentence.
causedescendant effectfable fairy talefertile flourish immortalize intact legend mythprimitive reinforce ritual