*Please sign up on the list outside the church library Saturday, February 27 8:30 sharp
Income Tax Receipts for 2015 will be available by February 15, 2016
6:30 pm Kids JK – Grade 5 Come Join Us For Games, Crafts, a Bible Story, and a Snack.
Snacksprovided EveryoneWelcome!
Hello Banwell, We’re sorry that we have not connected with you much this year, but we trust that you are both doing well. We just want to express to you how much we appreciate your continued faithfulness to the feeding program at FW Begley School. Every two weeks you are providing a good quantity, variety and quality of fruits and vegetables. (The bread you provide is also a great benefit to the students). We develop our weekly Menu Plan by factoring in your donations of fruit and vegetables. Your faithfulness and consistency make our planning easy. Hope to see you soon. Again, thank you for your faithfulness. It is fantastic that we are able to partner with you in this effort. Blessings, Dan & Gloria