California Integrated Waste Management Board 1 Consideration Of Reallocation And Of Grant Awards For the Joint Solicitation Of The Used Oil Nonprofit Grant.


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Presentation transcript:

California Integrated Waste Management Board 1 Consideration Of Reallocation And Of Grant Awards For the Joint Solicitation Of The Used Oil Nonprofit Grant Program (7 th Cycle); And the Used Oil Research, Testing And Demonstration Grant Program (5 th Cycle) (Used Oil Recycling Fund, FY 2006/07)

California Integrated Waste Management Board 2 Nonprofit Grant (7 th cycle) Nonprofits assist local government: –Reduce improper oil disposal; –Establish or enhance used oil collection programs Cycle Focus/Project Categories: –Oil Filter Collection Must partner with local jurisdiction

California Integrated Waste Management Board 3 Research, Testing and Demonstration Grant (5 th cycle) Eligible applicants: –Businesses, local governments, non-profits, and universities Purpose: –Projects related to used oil collection technologies –Developing products from recycling used oil Cycle Focus/Project Categories: –Oil Filter Collection –Re-refined Oil for Public Fleets –Re-refined Oil Testing and Certification

California Integrated Waste Management Board 4 Available Funding $367,000 for each grant cycle –Equals 10% of remaining fund balance (annual statutory minimum) Maximum award -- $300,000 per grant

California Integrated Waste Management Board 5 Grant Evaluation General Criteria (100 pts available) –Need –Goals and Objectives –Work Plan –Budget –Evaluation –Completeness and EPP Budget modifications suggested by application evaluators 75 points minimum to pass

California Integrated Waste Management Board 6 Grant Solicitation NOFA –Posted on web late-January 2007 –More than 50 non-profit groups notified –All local jurisdiction Grantees notified –Posted on list-serve Original deadline was March 15, 2007 Deadline extended to March 29, 2007

California Integrated Waste Management Board 7 UNP7 Applicant Summary One application was received Application deemed ineligible –Failure to provide proof of its intent to partner with a local jurisdiction $367,000 remains unallocated

California Integrated Waste Management Board 8 URD5 Applicant Summary Nine applications were received and scored Five applications passed requesting $1.2 million in total funding –Three filter collection projects –Two re-refined oil projects –No testing/certification projects Funding available for two passing grants

California Integrated Waste Management Board 9 Recommendation: Fund 3 Grants Fund 2 passing URD5 applications, PLUS Re-allocate $183,000 to the URD5 cycle –Increases URD5 funds from $367,000 to $550,000 –Reaches annual statutory maximum of 15% of remaining fund balance –Funds one additional grant –Unspent UNP7 funds roll back into Oil Fund

California Integrated Waste Management Board 10 Projects Recommended Oil filter Collection: 1. San Diego County: Demonstration project to establish free curbside filter and oil collection program for all unincorporated County residences. Outreach will target do-it-yourselfers and communities with few collection centers. Promote Fleet Use of Re-refined Oil: 2. West Contra Costa IWMA: Demonstration project in 3 jurisdictions followed by information sharing workshops. 3. Municipal Equipment Maintenance Association (MEMA): Demonstration project that incorporates Peer to Peer outreach and workshops to motivate members to use re-refined oil.

California Integrated Waste Management Board 11 Recommended Action for Joint UNP7 and URD5 Award Option #1 Resolution #