Beyond the Book Report The Odyssey
Expectations Read and take notes on “The Odyssey”. Maintain the class reading schedule. Design a written and/or visual piece with rubric. Due date: April 3/13.
Sample Project Ideas Create an amusement park based on one of the places Odysseus went. Compare and Contrast “TO” and “O Brother Where Art Thou”. Create a soap opera. Create a travel brochure of the Lotus Island. Create a ship log for Odysseus. Sketch a character from the epic poem and modernize him/her. Modernize the language from “TO”. Retell the story (or part of the story) from another character’s point of view.
Timeline Tonight – Read Books 1, 5. Take notes. Tuesday – How to read notes, small group discussion. Read Book 9 for Wednesday. Take notes. Wed. - Socratic Seminar based on Books 1, 5, 9. Read Books 10, 11 for TH. Take notes. TH – In class Reading Response based on Books 1, 5, 9, 10, 11. HWQ 8 and Lifelongs for homework. Weekend HW – Read Books 12, 16. Take notes. Mon. – Discussion regarding readings. Read Books 17, 21 and take notes. Tues. – Reading Quiz. Finish reading and notetaking. Wed, Th, Fri – Your time to work. (Fri – LLN or TO)