Your Fraternity
National Executive Council National President- John R. Andrews (Delta Delta- Truman State) National Vice President- J. Jeffry Walhen (Alpha Epsilon- Florida) National Treasurer- Mark F. Jacobs (Delta Psi- Texas- Arlington) National Secretary- Tracy D. Maddux (Zeta Theta- Texas) National Historian- Thomas B. Sullivan (Delta Omega- Texas A&M) National Chancellor- Dudley F. Woody (Xi- Roanoke) National Chaplain- David M. White (Beta Alpha-NJIT)
Xi Chapter’s Local Structure Regional Governor- Steve Esworthy Chapter Advisor- Allen Woody and Ed Corson Board of Alumni Advisor-Allen Woody, Ed Corson, Ed Bennett, and Dudley Woody
FIPG, Inc. Risk Management Policy Includes: –Hazing –Fire, Health and Safety –Alcohol and Drugs –Education –Sexual Abuse and Harassment
Risk Management Policy of social events Follow all laws No purchase of alcohol with chapter funds Guest list (No open parties) No purchase for, serve to, or sale of alcoholic beverages to minors No illegal drugs or controlled substances!
Student Creed I Believe that the ideal chapter is made up of men Who are bound together in a common loyalty which transcends any personal selfishness. Who realize that membership means personal responsibility in bearing their share of the financial burden of the chapter and the national organization. Who bring credit to the fraternity by striving to attain the highest possible standards of scholarship. (continues..)
Student Creed Who safeguard the reputation of their chapter by keeping careful watch over their personal conduct. Who uphold faithfully the traditions and activities of their college. Who prepare themselves diligently to shoulder their full responsibility as citizens. I Believe that my chapter can become an ideal chapter, and I shall do my share to make it so.
Election and Other Events Elections for Eta President Diamond Nominations Alumni Initiations? (Fathers & other males) Start thinking of a service project Motto Writing and Symbol Drawing p Alphabet Start on The AlcoholEdu class!!!!!