Causes of the American Revolution “When a certain great king, whose initial is G, Shall force stamps upon paper, and folks to drink tea; When these folk burn his tea and stamp paper, like stubble, You may guess that this king is the coming to trouble.” -Phillip Freneau
Navigation Acts British Action- restricted colonial trade, manufacturing and shipping. Colonial Reaction- smuggling, evasion, and disregard
French and Indian War aka Seven Year’s War British Action- fought the French and Huron Indians over control of the Ohio River Valley.
Proclamation of 1763 British Action- prohibited colonial settlement beyond the Appalachian Mountains. Colonial Reaction- continued to move westward
One thing led to another…
Sugar Act 1764 British Action- taxed sugar from the West Indies Colonial Reaction- protests led to lower taxes
Quartering Act 1765 British Action- required certain colonies to provide food and housing (quartering) to British soldiers Colonial Reaction- assemblies refused to comply
Stamp Act 1765 British Action- taxed almost all printed materials Colonial Reaction- protested TAXATION by Parliament WITHOUT colonial REPRESENTATION British Reaction- repealed (cancelled) Stamp Act but issued the Declaratory Acts which allowed Parliament to make laws for the colonies in all cases whatsoever.
Townshend Acts 1767 British Action- taxed glass, lead, paper, and tea Colonial Reaction- smuggling; resistance led to Boston Massacre; refused to import.
What’s that? A Massacre!!!
Writs of Assistance A non-specific search warrant used to look for smuggled goods.
“Revolutionary Tea” There was an old lady lived over the sea And she was an island queen. Her daughter lived off in a far country With an ocean of water between. The old lady’s pockets were full of gold, But never contented was she. She called on her daughter to pay her a tax Of three-pence a pound on her tea, Of three-pence a pound on her tea.
Tea Act 1773 British Action- British East India Tea Company given a monopoly for colonial tea business with small tax Colonial Reaction- ships and cargo destroyed by colonists in Boston “Boston Tea Party”
Coercive Acts aka Intolerable Acts 1774 British Action- did not allow Massachusetts Assembly to meet; no town meetings or jury trials; closed the port of Boston Colonial Reaction- held First Continental Congress to protest the acts and call for a complete boycott of British goods.
“What do we mean by the Revolution? The War? That was no part of the Revolution: it was only an effect and consequence of it. The Revolution was in the minds and hearts of the people, and this was effected from , in the course of fifteen years, before a drop of blood was shed…” -John Adams