Welcome to United States Geography
Course Description ½ Credit Elective 1 Semester, meeting 5 days a week. Locations, Definitions, & Information Revolving Around the 50 United States Includes Physical Features, Climate & Precipitation, Knowing Your Neighbors
Requirement s Students MUST locate states on a blank U.S. map at 100% proficiency. Students MUST name the capital of each state at 100% proficiency. Students need to have a minimum of 65% on a combination of all other work.
Students will maintain a workbook. There is no textbook required for class use. Atlases, Encyclopedias, General Books, CDROM Programs, and the Internet are available for student use.
State Projects All students will complete two projects; one for each quarter 1 st quarter– Travel Guide 2 nd quarter– Bulletin Board/ Power Point Each student will do a separate state
One last Thought “Unless you try to do something beyond what you have already mastered, you will never grow.”