Expectations, Routines, and Rules in Art the Classroom with Ms. Tracy
Expectations Students are expected to: Follow the rules and procedures of the art and music room Create/produce artwork to the best of their abilities Learn and have fun in the process
Routine: EVERYDAY I WILL: Wait outside of the classroom until invited in Come into the classroom silently Sit and stay in assigned seat Only touch Art materials when directed Be patient, listen, and follow directions
Dismissal After complete clean up I will: Be silent and wait for Ms. Tracy dismiss you Tuck chair in and walk quietly out of the classroom Please hook the door up when you leave
Safety Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself Keep chair flat on the floor NEVER Walk and carry sharp objects
Respect Use quiet voices and bodies Treat others the way you would like to be treated Raise hands Listen and follow directions
Voice Levels 0- Silent 1—Whisper 2—Partner 3—Small Group 4—Presentation 5—Outdoor
Responsibility BE ON TIME! Turn in work neatly and on time Clean up after yourself Always do your best, and take artistic risks HAVE FUN!
Pass Out/ Clean Up Depending on the project at hand, students will be asked to pass out materials carefully. Failure to treat classmates and/or materials with respect will be reprimanded depending on tier of behavior. (See Behavior tier sheet). Students will be asked to clean up their area independently. Volunteered helpers may be needed during the year for certain projects.
Homework Policy Students are expected to turn work in on time. Students who turn in late assignments on a consistent basis will receive any of the following based upon teacher discretion or grade level policy. · partial credit ·communication with parents ·no credit ·after school detention Students who miss homework because of an absence will receive the opportunity to make up missed work. Students are given one calendar day for each day absent plus one extra day to turn in their work. It’s the students’ responsibility to get work missed due to illness or absence.
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