IRCEA Welcome! 12/??/15 (School Site) 10 minute meeting Complete a raffle for our drawing
Professional Development Exceptional Student Education for the General Education Teacher (Saturdays: 1/16 & 1/30 for 20 in-service points) Instructional Strategies 2: (You do not need to have attended Instructional Strategies 1 to attend Instructional Strategies 2) Developing Responsible Learning (1/23/16 & 2/6/16 for 20 in-service points) Managing Anti-Social Behavior: (2/20/16 & 2/27/16 for 20 in-service points) TEAM Sessions (1 ½ hours each)
Summative Evaluation Timeline VAM Scores are in They are still building the “tool” for teachers to see how their scores are calculated – not to include those teachers with an LCA Waiting on state to designate cut scores for EOCs in Algebra I & II and Geometry We are estimated to have our summative by the end of January.
Evaluation Grievances Since we have a shorter timeline for grievances, it is important for teachers to know all about their observations prior to receiving their summative score. Beginning now: If you have a question regarding your observation, print out PDF copies of your observations and meet with building reps to determine if you have a grievance. Try to also include any and all correspondence with evaluator about specific observations
Executive Board Elections The following positions will be up for election in April 2016: President Secretary K-5 Director 9-12 Director Minority Representative North County Elementary Director Social Media Coordinator (1 year position) Nomination forms will be distributed in February Must be a member of IRCEA in good standing to be nominated! We need leadership!! Please consider running for one of these seats.