The Duluth Area CIO’s Consortium Collaborating with Regional IT Organizations Copyright Linda Deneen and Lynne Hamre, This work is the intellectual property of the author. Permission is granted for this material to be shared for non-commercial, educational purposes, provided that this copyright statement appears on the reproduced materials and notice is given that the copying is by permission of the author. To disseminate otherwise or to republish requires written permission from the author.
Charter Sharing of ideas, research and development information, and experiences. Sharing of ideas, research and development information, and experiences. Sharing of resources, both physical and human. Sharing of resources, both physical and human. Collaboration on education and training activities. Collaboration on education and training activities. Joint sponsorship of events, including speakers, training seminars, and projects. Joint sponsorship of events, including speakers, training seminars, and projects.
Members Business Business Health Care Health Care Government Government Education Education No vendors IT department > 15 staff Recommended and approved by existing membership
Meeting Organization Meeting host rotated among members Meeting host rotated among members Host provides agenda, refreshments, and convenes meeting Host provides agenda, refreshments, and convenes meeting Quarterly meetings Quarterly meetings
Hot Topics Group Selected Topic Group Selected Topic Host Selected Topic Host Selected Topic 2-Minute Round Table 2-Minute Round Table
Subgroups da.WANg - Duluth Area WAN Group da.WANg - Duluth Area WAN Group DATUG - Duluth Area Telephony Users Group DATUG - Duluth Area Telephony Users Group Asset Management Group Asset Management Group
Successes Shared Training Shared Training Special Meetings with Technical Staff Special Meetings with Technical Staff Vendor Presentations Vendor Presentations Shared Policies and Job Descriptions Shared Policies and Job Descriptions Salary Survey Salary Survey Special Meeting with Education Academic Leaders Special Meeting with Education Academic Leaders
Challenges No funding No funding Some subgroups not sustainable Some subgroups not sustainable Not all members use same technologies Not all members use same technologies Staying focused at meetings Staying focused at meetings
Lynne Hamre CIO The College of St. Scholastica
Linda Deneen Director of Information Technology University of Minnesota Duluth