AP Agenda for October 7 (A Day) Daily Objective: ◦To improve sentence structure and variety in order to become a better writer. Daily Assignments: ◦Turn in missed literary terms; go over any literary terms in which you need the “to the point” definition ◦Pass out Quarterterm Test Review Guide—Test will be October 18 ◦Answer “Pop Quiz” on Economy Chapter of Walden ◦Finish watching America’s Heart and Soul, if applicable; I will check notes on it as film finishes ◦Do AP MC Practice #5 ◦Other Upcoming Due Dates—Sebring’s Heart and Soul assignment is due October 10 (B)/11 (A); Literary Term Quiz is next class period; Notebook is due October 16 (A Day)/17 (B Day); Posting of favorite JQ/Comments due October 18; Final Draft of AP Essay #1 or #2 due October 29; Scarevenger Hunt October 30 (A Day)/October 31 (B Day)
AP Agenda for October 8 (B Day) Daily Objective: ◦To improve sentence structure and variety in order to become a better writer. Daily Assignments: ◦Pass out Quarterterm Test Review Guide—Test will be October 17 ◦Do Literary Terms Quiz ◦Answer “Pop Quiz” on Economy Chapter of Walden ◦Finish watching America’s Heart and Soul, if applicable; I will check notes on it as film finishes ◦Do AP MC Practice #5 ◦Other Upcoming Due Dates—Sebring’s Heart and Soul assignment is due October 10 (B)/11 (A); Literary Term Quiz is next class period; Notebook is due October 16 (A Day)/17 (B Day); Posting of favorite JQ/Comments due October 18; Final Draft of AP Essay #1 or #2 due October 29; Scarevenger Hunt October 30 (A Day)/October 31 (B Day)
AP Agenda for October 9 (A Day) Daily Objective:To improve sentence structure and variety in order to become a better writer. Daily Assignments: ◦Complete Literary Terms Quiz ◦Return AP Essay #2 and complete SOS on it (p. 270); Final Draft of AP Essay #1 or #2 is assigned (p. 163) ◦Work on reading Walden or Sebring Heart and Soul assignment or Quartermtest Review
AP Agenda for October 10 (B Day) Daily Objective: ◦To appreciate the wonderful Sebringians that are a part of our community. Daily Assignments: ◦Share Sebring’s Heart and Soul Assignment ◦Return AP Essay #2 and complete SOS on it (p. 270); Final Draft of AP Essay #1 or #2 is assigned (p. 163) ◦Read “Sex, Lies, and Conversation” in the Circle of Love and Understanding ◦Reminder: Next week is your Quarterterm test and your notebook is due. Pay attention to other due dates as well.
AP Agenda for Oct. 11 (A Day) Daily Objective: ◦To appreciate the wonderful Sebringians that are a part of our community. Daily Assignments: ◦Share Sebring’s Heart and Soul Assignment ◦Read “Sex, Lies, and Conversation” in the Circle of Love and Understanding ◦Reminder: Next week is your Quarterterm test and your notebook is due. Pay attention to other due dates as well.
ENC 1101 Agenda for October 7 Daily Objective: ◦To continue to understand the majesty of Chaucer’s language. Daily Assignments: Assign and brainstorm ideas for your Classification/Division essay (p.103) Reading time for “The Pardoner’s Tale” in The Canterbury Tales; will be a pop quiz activity when finished reading it Wadsworth Activity on Commas: With a partner—do Ex. 1,4,6,7,10 On own—Do #1-10 on p. 76 in Guidebook More Upcoming Due Dates: We will work on our Creative Project and bring in food for our Chaucerian Food Celebration on October 11 Notebook is due October 18 (changed from Oct. 16 due to you not having to be here periods 1A and 2A when PSAT is given) Favorite journal is due to Discussion Board of plus comment on someone else’s journal is due October 18.
ENC 1101 Agenda for October 9 Daily Objective: ◦To continue to understand the majesty of Chaucer’s language. Daily Assignments: Reading time for “The Summoner’s Tale” and “The Life and Times of Chaucer” in The Canterbury Tales; will be a pop quiz activity when finished reading it Wadsworth Activity: On own: Do a Cornell Notes Summary of Chapter 9, 15, and 16 With partner: Do Ex. 2 on p. 201; Ex. 2 p ; Ex. 4 on p. 113
ENC 1101 Agenda for October 11 Daily Objective: ◦To continue to understand the majesty of Chaucer’s language. Daily Assignments: ◦Complete Creative Project and Great Storytellers Assignments on The Canterbury Tales ◦When finished, enjoy our Chaucerian Food Celebration