Day 1
Course website ◦ Please accept invitation to join Wiki Syllabus Course Readings ◦ Teams, Roles, Reading Responses
2008 National Educational Technology Standards- for Teachers (NETS-T) 1. Facilitate and Inspire Student Learning and Creativity 2. Design and Develop Digital Age Learning Experiences and Assessments 3. Model Digital Age Work and Learning 4. Promote and Model Digital Citizenship and Responsibility 5. Engage in Professional Growth and Leadership
Lesson Planning & Delivery Heart rate monitors, Accelerometers, Pedometers, Aerobic equipment Classroom management software, Online class management systems, Hand held computing devices Mobile laptop stations, Electronic rubrics Smart boards, LCD projectors Assessment & Evaluation of Student Learning Digital photography, digital video LCD projectors Fitnessgram, Activitygram Professionalism & Advocacy Accessing online professional journals Jones, Bulger, Wyant, & Illg, 2012
Consider the technologies within each category- what patterns emerged? What are practical implications of the panelists’ recommendations?
Technology Defined: Knowledge used to solve problems and extend human potential Instructional Technology Defined: The theory and practice of design, development, utilization, management, and evaluation of processes and resources for learning 1 1 Lowenthal, P. R., & Wilson, B. G. (2010
A majority of public schools have at least 1 computer in each classroom (84%) ◦ Greater accessibility equated to greater use of the technology Nearly 50% of teachers with computers in classroom reported using for instruction Unequal distribution of technology- low minority enrollment more likely to have computer and Internet than high minority enrollment National Center for Educational Statistics, NCES (2000). Retrieved from
National Center for Educational Statistics, NCES (2005).
Most Frequently Used Technology Items: ◦ Computers ◦ ◦ The Internet PE Teachers Report Highest Proficiency in: ◦ Electronic File Management - creating, opening, saving, etc. ◦ Word Processing, Spreadsheets, , Internet, VCR ◦ Timing devices- stop watches, radar gun, etc Gibbone et al., 2010; Woods et al., 2008
Pedagogical Content Knowledge Content Knowledge Pedagogical Knowledge PCK CK PK
Pedagogical Content Knowledge Content Knowledge Pedagogical Knowledge Technological Knowledge PK TK CK PCK TPKTCK TPACK
Pedagogical Content Knowledge Content Knowledge Pedagogical Knowledge Technological Knowledge PK TK CK PCK TPKTCK TPACK
Technology Action-Based Research Plan ◦ Due Friday, July 20 in class Written Grant Proposal for Action Research Plan ◦ Due Friday, July 27 via
Handheld, non-mapping GPS unit High sensitive GPS receiver / waterproof Memory stores up to 500 “waypoints” Can create your own routes / maps with location landmarks (idea: fitness running routes, running/hiking route, geocache)
Remember to complete Reading Responses on Wiki (Projects -> Team Page) ◦ Determine who is taking the lead one which articles and who is supporting