Non-Tariff Measures Faced by Chinese Exporters Presented by:Yang Zerui China Institute of Int’l Studies/ China National Committee for Pacific Economic Cooperation May 2006
GDP Growth in China Annually growth rate 9.4%, in billion RMB , (est.) In dollar, GDP 289 b to 2250 b to 4000 (est.) Per capita, 280$ to 1700$ to 3000$ (est.)
Foreign Trade Growth in China Billion US$ (est.) Annually growth rates 19% 2005 is 71 times of 1978
Main China’s Products affected by NTMs agricultural and food processing products mining textiles and clothing light industrial products steel and steel products
Types of NTMs Encountered by Chinese Exporters Anti-dumping Duties Customs Valuation Technical Regulation and Standards SPS Measure Quantitative Restrictions Embargoes & Other Restrictions of Similar Effects Discrimination Resulting from Bilateral Agreements Intellectual Issues Safeguard Measures and Emergency Actions Other
Main Countries where NTMs Faccing Chinese Exporters 1 USA 6 Australia 2 EU 7 South Africa 3 India 8 Mexico 4 Turkey 9 Canada 5 Argentina 10 Brazil
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