AFA initial plans EU-ASEAN FTA advocacy august 13, 2008 civil society caucus on the eu-asean partnership negotiations
main issue The ASEAN has been here for the past 40 years, but its presence has been most felt in the early 90's, when it began to fasttrack its economic regional integration processes. The ASEAN Free Trade Agreement was forged, and a series of bilateral free trade agreements have been and are being negotiated with eight other countries. Many of these ASEAN processes, policies and agreements have significant impact, albeit on a negative manner, to small scale men and women farmers, artisanal fisherfolks and IPs.
main issue many of these policies and programs do not significantly involve the small farmers, artisanal fisherfolks and IPs. Left out in all consultative and decision-making processes, their concerns and interests are not articulated, and moreso, responded to. Free trade agreements as experienced by other developing countries did not benefit small scale rural producers/
main calls Recognize and engage rural people's networks at local, national and regional levels, in the formulation of policies and programs that affect the lives and livelihoods of small men and women farmers, fishers and IPs.
main calls Promote agriculture and fisheries that effectively lift the rural people, both men and women, from poverty, utilize local wisdom and appropriate, environment- friendly technologies, gets fair prices from fair markets, and preserve the agricultural heritage of rural communities against devastating impacts of corporate- led agriculture and fisheries. Small scale farmers and fishers should have access and control over natural resources such as land, water, seas, and seeds.
advocacy objective a trade and cooperation agreement between EU and ASEAN that is fair, just, and promotes the development of and benefits small scale rural producers participation in the negotiation processes both at national and regional levels
main targets ASEAN agricultural negotiators at both the national and regional levels ASEAN secretariat working on EU ASEAN FTA negotiations --- both national and regional levels
main strategies education and consciousness raising among leaders of organizations of small scale rural producers tie up with research, academic, advocacy organizations for information, policy analysis and policy proposal formulation, for strategizing and tacticizing lobbying, dialoguing with main targets – pushing for involvement in moblizations and direct actions work with allies within ASEAN secretariat and national agri agencies
tactics/activities till dec 2008 regionally coordinated national consultations with sm – august – october 2008 (indonesia, vietnam, thailand, Phils. ) b/b with their execom meetings regionally coordinated national agri trade situationers (paper research) regionally coordinated advocacy training regional dialogue with negotiators b/b with regional consultation -- - can we establish something like EuroAfrica? expected output is a small rural producers' agenda for economic development mobilization during ASEAN Summit (?)
thank you !