Russia and Germany The End of the Chill
Summary of Russia Command Economy Arms Race Satellite Leaders Gorbachev Economy Controlled by Government Race for Bigger, better weapons and technology As Soviet economy deteriorates, satellite countries want capitalist economy Came to power in 1985 Eager to reform economy Resigned 1991 Ignores needs of Consumer Use Command Economy to focus on weapons and space Walesa, Havel,Solzhenitzin Nagy all leaders that lead resistance for Soviet control Eased foreign tensions Glasnost Perestroika Wanted Comm. Successful when doing building projects, such as Nuclear Weapons Lost focus on industrial/ arigcul. needs, =destroyed economy Soviet Empire collapsed!! Too rapid change Upset old comm. Satellites Withdrew
U.S. Leaps Ahead in the Space Race Soviets launched Sputnik in 1957 Soviets had the most nuclear weapons throughout the Arms Race US launched their first satellite in : Vostok 1 carries Soviet cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin into orbit; he is the first human in space. The Soviets refer to Gagarin as a "cosmonaut.“ 1969:July 20: Americans Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin become the first men to walk on the moon. They then rendezvous with Michael Collins in the command module for the return to Earth. July 24: Apollo 11 returns to earth safely Moon Landing
What happens next? Russia’s Economy had collapsed Gorbachev had pushed too many programs too fast Successes in the West caused other nations to copy western methods Russia lost satellite countries as well Détente: Ended in S.U. invaded Afghanistan, US refused disarmament
Development and Duration:
Germany and the Battle Berlin Wall Built to keep unhappy East Berliners from escaping to democratic West Economy in East was deplorable Economy in West, thanks to Marshall Plan, was booming Wall became symbol of Cold War and the division between democracy and Communism
Eastern Bloc Eastern Bloc- Countries: areas controlled/influenced by Soviet Union. Members of the Warsaw Pact Czechoslovakia, Germany, Hungary, Afghanistan, and other Soviet controlled countries all began to break free of the Soviets Eastern Bloc now faced the issue of transitioning from communism to capitalism peacefully Need to rebuild country after independent
Hungarian Revolution 1945 Soviets freed Hungary from Nazi control Soviets took over Hungary and installed a Communist regime 1956 Hungarian students, called Freedom Fighters, fought to free Hungary from the Soviet control Soviet Premiere Khrushchev sent in military tanks and soldiers to crush the revolt Hungary remained under Soviet control until 1989
Velvet Revolution The six-week period between November 17 and December 29, 1989, also known as the "Velvet Revolution" brought about the bloodless overthrow of the Czechoslovak communist regime. Almost immediately, rumors (which have never been proved) began to circulate that the reason for the Velvet Revolution had come from a KGB officer sent by Soviet Premiere Gorbacev Gorbacev wanted to reform communists in power, instead of violently forcing communism. November 17, students in the capital city of Prague were protesting the oppressive regime. The protest lead to Czech police violently beating the protesters. In all, at least 167 people were injured More protests were held in response to the violence The leaders of the Communist regime were totally unprepared to deal with the popular unrest. The Soviets were rumored to have helped the students protest, and finally the government toppled and elected their first president, in 1989
Afghan War In 1979, the USSR took control of the Afghan capital, Kabul, attempting to take control of the whole country The invasion was a failure, costing thousands of lives and having serious consequences still felt today. Starting in the 1950s, the USSR began giving aid to Afghanistan. The Soviets built roads, irrigation and even some oil pipelines. In the 1970s, a Communist party overthrew the monarchy and tried to institute social reforms. The Communist governments in Kabul in the 1970s lacked the popular support. The war drained the Soviet economy and lasted until 1989, when the Soviets withdrew their forces From throughout the Arab world, people gave money and aided the mujahidin. One of these benefactors of the war was Osama bin Laden. Although the primary reason for the Soviet withdrawal was their military failure, diplomatic pressure from around the world may have hastened it.
Reagan Meets Gorbachev Peace talks finally came to Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty- Allow nations to check other’s military installations * USSR reduces nuclear arsenal in Soviet territories * * US abandon Star Wars and reduce nuclear arsenal *
How Did the wall Fall? Russia could not financially run it’s country, needed aid. Eastern Bloc wanted to be released from the Warsaw pact Many revolts in the Eastern Bloc War with Afghanistan and money spent on Space and Weapons destroyed the strength of the USSR 1989, Gorbachev negotiated with Ronal Reagan and allowed for the wall to come down “Mr. Gorbachev, TEAR DOWN THAT WALL!”
Tear Down This Wall
Fall of the Wall wall in pictures
Unification Peace Treaty Signed Germany reunited Berlin named capital of Germany 1991 Germany officially granted complete independence
Where We Are Going LAST UNIT OF THE YEAR!!! 1.Formation of Israel 2.Conflict in Afghanistan 3.Middle East Religions 4.Conflicts in Middle East 5.9/11 6.“Peace in the Middle East” 7.TEST ON COLD WAR:Wednesday. 1/14/09!