KIT – University of the State of Baden-Wuerttemberg and National Research Center of the Helmholtz Association INSTITUT FÜR EXPERIMENTELLE KERNPHYSIK Welcome and News
A. Dierlamm Institut für Experimentelle Kernphysik Short meeting with HPK Activities and problems presented (see twiki: We asked them to iterate with their external company on how reliable the [O] can be adjusted during “deep diffusion”. Now that we have sort of special material we need to make sure that we will get the same material during production as what we got now. We asked them also to think about possible sources in the process for the appearance of H(220K) and E(60K). For this we need the depth information, which Alexandra will provide. The second batch of FTH200N was done with a little bit higher diffusion temperature after back thinning and shows more uniform IV curves. They expect Rpoly to be higher there. High Rpoly of MCz200N is due to slightly different heat treatment of p- and n- type material. No further reason given, but we were already informed about this prior to delivery. Newly offered features 2µm oxide for 2nd metal (now 1.3µm); works on 320µm, thinner wafers to be seen series production of 150µm thin wafers p-stops also available down to 30µm pitch (min. 7µm distance to implants)
A. Dierlamm Institut für Experimentelle Kernphysik Sensor Design for 2S Prototype W/P~ Rough numbers: 10cm x 10cm sensor 5cm long strips ~90µm pitch 8x127(!) strips read-out pads on the edges overlap in the middle 1-3mm(?) Need to validate design of central region! Coupling? Up to 50% signal lost to other side Small prototype first or good input from simulations Wafer material: FZ p-type with p-stop(?) 320µm thick (physical 200µm interesting for handling, but ~50% more expensive) Amount: 20 wafers for 10 prototypes? (HPK ~3500CHF/wafer) CiS could do 6” as well; need to get an offer…
A. Dierlamm Institut für Experimentelle Kernphysik Sensor for PS modules Pixel needs huge read-out chip Is it worth using routing lines on 2nd metal to merge access to pixel on smaller area? What is the effect of coupling and capacitance? We have a test-structure for this! Who is interested to investigate it?
A. Dierlamm Institut für Experimentelle Kernphysik HPK campaign at conferences TIPP 2011: Technology and Instrumentation in Particle Physics 2011, 9-14 Jun 2011, Chicago Selcuk Cihangir, FNAL (Talk), Proceedings in Physics Procedia ( ) Pramod Lamichhane, Wayne State (Poster), Proceedings in Physics Procedia ( ) iWoRID 2011: 13th International Workshop on Radiation Imaging Detectors, 3-7 Jul 2011, Zürich Georg Auzinger, CERN (Poster), Proceedings in JINST CMS CR-2011/168 RD11: 11th International Conference on Large Scale Applications and Radiation Hardness of Semiconductor Detectors, 6-8 Jul 2011, Firenze Joachim Erfle, UHH (Talk), Proceedings in PoS CMS CR-2011/171 EPS-HEP 2011: EPS High Energy Physics Conference, Jul 2011, Grenoble Raffaello D'Alessandro, Florence (Talk), Proceedings in PoS ( ) PSD9: 9th International Conference on Position Sensitive Detectors, Sep 2011, Aberystwyth Alexander Dierlamm, KIT (Poster), Proceedings in JINST CMS CR-2011/174 ICATPP 2011: 3th ICATPP Conference on Astroparticle, Particle, Space Physics and Detectors for Physics Applications, 3-7 Oct 2011, Milano, Como Robert Eber, KIT (Talk), Proceedings in World Scientific CMS CR-2011/219 IEEE2011: Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference, Oct 2011, Valencia Matthias Bergholz, DESY (Talk) 19th RD50 Workshop, Nov 2011, CERN Joachim Erfle (irrad. sensors) Andreas Nürnberg (Lorantz angles in irrad. sensors) 8th International "Hiroshima" Symposium on the Development and Application of Semiconductor Tracking Detectors, 5- 8 Dec 2011, Taipei Maria Bernard-Schwarz, HEPHY Use “On behalf of the CMS Tracker Collaboration” for proper author list in SPIRES Please notify when you upload the proceedings to CINCO
A. Dierlamm Institut für Experimentelle Kernphysik Agenda